Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] [art] same time " in BNC.

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1 We have seen already that the small heads of some dinosaurs with elongated torsos were no doubt a built-in safety factor against crippling head injuries , while naturally restricting at the same time the development of intelligence .
2 It looked quite terrifying — but somehow enticing at the same time .
3 He took this in suddenly one morning as he was charging a girl the duty on a camera , hitting the thought like an air pocket and ludicrously yawning at the same time with his mouth shut so that the girl noticed his face lengthening like a mule 's .
4 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates reportedly came up with an ingenious solution when he was romancing venture capitalist Ann Winblad : observing that the same movies are usually playing at the same time all over America , they came up with the Virtual Date — they 'd each go alone to the same movie at the same time , and discuss it afterwards on their car phones .
5 How often do you meet and how many people there , you 're showing interest but you 're also qualifying at the same time and it 's not padding , it 's actually useful information because you 're thinking well that 's worth pursuing the R N I , yes but there 's money there .
6 July the first more members er in , in , in local authorities than er than we 've got in the whole of our union right and we 've got twenty five per cent of our membership in , in local authorities and we 're getting hammered and we 're also getting at the same time privatization , we 're seeing local authorities being broken up and we 're seeing a creation of large numbers of employers .
7 Thereafter the firm might carefully choose one or two systems and do a thorough conversion job , probably thinking at the same time ‘ there must be another way . ’
8 Thereafter the firm might carefully choose one or two platforms and do a thorough porting job , probably thinking at the same time ‘ there must be another way . ’
9 The deep voice sounded peremptory , softly persuasive and vaguely accusing at the same time .
10 The black eyes were pouring through her , amused and oddly smouldering at the same time .
11 Israel and I were both on our knees , side by side , with tears streaming down our faces , yet laughing at the same time .
12 Although Attlee and Greenwood were ready to accept the invitation , they did not do so at once but made sure that both the National Executive and the annual Conference , which were conveniently meeting at the same time , it being the Whit weekend , were fully consulted and in agreement with their acceptance of office .
13 One problem very small area that 's why working at the same time .
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