Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] about the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My right hon. Friend knows that Opposition parties constantly carp about the level of pensions in Britain .
2 ‘ And so , after having a good , long talk about the problem with both Liz and Owen , Ross decided that it would be best if we brought the girls back here , to London , until their parents leave hospital . ’
3 And he was adamantly against anything changing the pattern of his life , for , as he said , he was having no netty inside , it was n't decent ; and just think about the effect on the sweets and the ingredients that went into their making .
4 Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them .
5 He says : ‘ People still talk about the shot from Kenny Dalglish that went through my legs at Hampden Park in 1976 when Scotland beat England , so I know how Bobby must have felt .
6 KENNY Dalglish yesterday brushed aside talk about the prospect of unbeaten Blackburn Rovers setting the pace in the Premier League .
7 However , for those who still care about the continuance of vigorous and diverse English language publishing , this is pretty poor news .
8 The other issue , Chair , that 's on , is the issue of the low paid unit , and the er , the view as to whether we can keep it , about the wish to join the new West Midlands Low Paid Unit , who presumably know about the issue of pay er , of certain people in Shropshire .
9 Support workers also worry about the effect of setbacks on the generally negative attitudes of many people in the community to people with learning difficulties .
10 They also complain about the shortage of wood brought about by iron smelting , and ask for opinions on that matter : " … also of any opinion conceived of the great consumpcon of timber and all other kinds of wood made in divers places thereabouts by the Iron Mynes " ( they must refer to wood taken for charcoal burning for the furnaces , the iron mines at this stage would not be using large amounts of timber , but the woodlands were decimated for this reason .
11 We also generalize about the taste of the discriminating and set up standards , useful as guides as long as one does not credit them with greater authority than a considered choice which violates them , but not without the suspect motives and tyrannical pretensions of standards in morals ; if you show signs of food-and-wine snobbery , I had better when listening to your recommendations take care to distinguish what I sense on my tongue from an affected taste .
12 But probably more important than works of social research or political theory in spreading belief in the need for some degree of state action , was both concern about the condition of the economy and the impact of the Boer War of 1899–1902 .
13 ‘ You who so often preach about the catholicity of the Anglican Church , and believe it too . ’
14 From what we now know about the nature of meaning , a hybrid or modular account seems inescapable : there remains the hope that with two components , a semantics and a pragmatics working in tandem , each can be built on relatively homogeneous and systematic lines .
15 Please now think about the sort of stamps and other philatelic products you collect yourself .
16 Might not St Paul or Thomas Aquinas raise an eyebrow at the idea that their views continue to be cited , given the knowledge which we now have about the origin of humankind or the biological relation of woman to man ? l6
17 If our peace-loving citizens really care about the future of our world organisation , they must help to create the momentum for reform by mandating our politicians to adopt , at least as a beginning , the urgently-needed measures recommended by the Secretary General .
18 When , for example , I was interviewing Moonies , I would ask them to describe their childhood and see whether religion was mentioned , then ask about the place of religion in their lives and see what kind of response I received before posing more specific questions about church going , belief in God , confirmation , the religious beliefs and practices of their parents — and so on .
19 Only when Scottish independence was once more recognized did there come about the establishment of separate Wardens for each of the three main regions either side of the Border : West March , Middle March and East March .
20 Undoubtedly concern about the impact of robots and other microelectronic-based production equipment has been exacerbated by the depressed world economy and the high levels of unemployment in nearly all the major industrialised countries .
21 At this point there is once again dispute about the nature of any agreements .
22 They are , however , almost universally cross about the bombing of their brethren in Iraq , the schooling ground for many of Indonesia 's brightest Muslims .
23 Never mind about the quarry for now , ’ he said .
24 I certainly agree about the importance of the MacSharry proposals .
25 As for working with men , Det Insp Young , who led 12 officers , said : ‘ I never think about the difference in sex . ’
26 Not the one in which he aimed highest , but the one in which his inspiration is most fully sustained ; the one with the strongest dramatic thrust ; the only one in which you truly care about the fate of the characters .
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