Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] n't [pers pn] [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean you just do n't you do n't imagine that do you really ?
2 Well the new the new demands on the just do n't I mean just do n't allow any scope
3 Well I always have , and my mum 's always said to me why ever do n't you sit down
4 Now do n't you think so ?
5 Well do n't I know just the place we 'll be made as welcome as Christmas !
6 So why is there not somebody responsible security say why why do n't they go out there and stop it ?
7 Why do n't they go out Well I can have somewhere else but they can all have their quiet place to talk .
8 Why do n't they check out Brecht or Oscar Wilde pioneers .
9 Why ca n't , if they do n't get things back , why do n't they come round ?
10 Why do n't they come out ? ’
11 If this is true , then why do n't they roll right at the surface like 80 per cent of other bream ?
12 Regarding identifying one another , why do n't we make up some silly badges or something .
13 Why do n't we make up for lost time , then , Luke ?
14 So , there 's perhaps an idea for you is when you go back and you wan na get a bit of clout with your boss is to say well why do n't we set up a er training matrix just to check where everyone 's .
15 You may ask me then : ‘ Why do n't we do just that ? why has there been this passionate search for some other method of preventing the fall in the value of money or controlling the fall in the value of money , if a cause and perhaps the major cause is undisputed , assessable and obvious ? ’
16 Why do n't we start right at the beginning of the tape ?
17 Daddy , why do n't we stay on , just until they do ? ’
18 ‘ Tell you what , ’ he said , ‘ rather than sit about here , why do n't we wander down to those Crystal Rooms now ?
19 At these times , when the dreams of the new church being the embodiment of close affection one to another have disintegrated , members are tempted to ask : Why do n't we give up ?
20 Q ; Why do n't we advertise more , so that when people are thinking of buying a gift , the first thing that comes to mind is Wedgwood ?
21 Why do n't we sit down ? ’
22 Why do n't we sit down ? ’
23 Why do n't we meet sometime , Matt ?
24 Sara began to explain , but after a few moments Jenny said impatiently , " Why do n't we walk down to Moorlake and then you can show me properly ? "
25 I heard Brad having a conversation again today about Ooh I do n't feel ye I heard him saying why do n't we feel very happy about this and not and not happy with the subjects and I do n't feel very happy about running the session so go up this way he 's never done the work you see so he 's trying to learn it from i instructions and things and a lot of the time you need to have actually done it to be able to talk about it
26 Why do n't we go over to Richard and Jane 's one evening ?
27 Why do n't we go somewhere more comfortable and discuss them ?
28 ‘ But if you really do n't like my kissing you in public , why do n't we go upstairs , where it 's more private ?
29 Why do n't we go up on the moor and look for George ? ’ asked Sarah .
30 Why do n't we go down to the refectory and look at it there ?
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