Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] at [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Many fundholding practices are already making loud protest at the reduced funds on offer as regions move to more equitable methods of allocation based on capitation .
2 Dr Donald Clarke , of the British National Party , was not present and a show of hands suggested he has little support at the independent girls ' school .
3 The first Rottweiler to win a best exhibit at an All Breeds Championship Show was Ch.
4 Remember that 10 per cent of the population have a reading problem and just look at the low demands made in reading skills by the popular tabloid press .
5 Best known as the Gateway to the Dolomites , Riva has grown into a cosmopolitan , upmarket resort with a superb climate — just look at the spectacular gardens along the lakeside !
6 But if you look at the low-risk a aspect of a P E P and you also look at the low charges , it 's got to be worth looking at , and certainly in terms of spread for Miss , worth erm worth considering , I mean she 'd be er a perfect investor for that .
7 Now look at the following transcripts of exchanges between a husband and wife .
8 We now look at the changing relationships between monetary sector institutions and their clients .
9 Now look at the beautiful colours though
10 If we now look at the different animals and crops that have been available over several thousand years , we will begin to see how basic systems of land exploitation worked in the landscape .
11 Simply look at the four hairstyles pictured below , match them up with the occasion you think most suitable and complete the entry form .
12 Well look at the proper programmes , that 's just giving the films !
13 If you wish assistance in meeting any of these deadlines , please contact at the Curial Offices .
14 If you must compare us with Paris , then look at the international visitors figures .
15 If you find you are not ‘ in the right place ’ , then look at the written statements and ask PP to say them again now that you know what to expect .
16 But most voters never look at the detailed figures and would probably not believe them if they did .
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