Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] for a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Public-sector contracts anyway only account for a small proportion of Olivetti 's sales , says Mr De Benedetti .
2 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
3 There was already enough cover for a large number of sepoys to approach very close to the enclave without being detected .
4 The divider sheets are not necessarily replaced when new statutes are added , so look for a recent statute in its proper chronological place , and if necessary check with the cumulative supplement before deciding that it is not included .
5 So look for a neutral tone carpet , in shades of blue , pink or green with perhaps a delicate floral design .
6 It is important to note that such courses only last for a MAXIMUM DURATION OF 12 MONTHS .
7 Martin Cruz Smith has an intriguing hero to play with ; if he could only Strive For a Decisive Upswing in Plot Design , his mastery of the chilly thriller would be complete .
8 Seeds may be collected but be quick as they only float for a short time .
9 The perspective adopted by the ‘ contingency ’ theorists rejects the view that there is one best model for an organisational structure .
10 Just ask for a pink gin .
11 Okay , one or two of them are a little contrived , but they still make for a cracking package — all in one load too !
12 Scottish & Newcastle ( McEwans and Youngers beers , Newcastle Brown ) have a relatively low holding of tied public houses ( which are mainly in Scotland and the North East ) , but still account for a significant proportion of total beer sales , partly through sales to free houses and partly through the strong position of their brands in the off-licence trade .
13 In the present generations of younger women , very few never marry so this particular source of family care has almost dried up , although there is evidence that never-married women still account for a disproportionate number of unpaid carers ( Finch and Groves , 1980 ; Lewis and Meredith , 1988 ) .
14 Between January 1940 and June 1941 he broadcast no fewer than nine major speeches , demonstrating his unshakeable confidence , strengthening morale , and giving further hope for an early end to the war .
15 In it young children , with the great enthusiasm children always show for a colourful ritual which they do not fully understand , recite with actions an English nursery rhyme for his benefit .
16 We always look for a local engineering partner , with whom we can build up a strong working relationship , to provide knowledge of local practices and statutory requirements .
17 Some schemes deliberately opt for a non-expressive notation .
18 ‘ Women always ask for a good contraceptive because they really need one .
19 Your cause will grab more power as time passes , boosted by the media , who always go for a new slant on the sex thing .
20 Always go for a reputable make
21 He played a leading role in the $5m deal with Morrow that gave his novel Whirlwind a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the recipient of the highest ever advance for a single work of fiction .
22 We live in hope that John Hume 's mission to the Provos will succeed , like we always wish for a good summer .
23 Home care for an elderly patient
24 Automatic crystallisation is not a term of art but covers at least two situations which at first blush appear dissimilar ; one is where the charge is made to crystallise on the happening of an event provided for in the charge without there being any need for a further act by the chargee and the other is where the charge is made to crystallise on the serving of a notice of crystallisation on the company .
25 It is beyond dispute that they also account for a large number of tiny rabbits that are born in breeding chambers within burrow systems .
26 — a fertile womb ( they also ask for a barren womb sometimes ) .
27 We have made real progress in developing our non-oil related businesses where sales now account for a good proportion of the Group 's turnover
28 Publisher 's themed series now account for a significant part of the market , but are too many thought up by designers and marketing departments rather than horticulturalists ?
29 Kinsbourne ( 1975a ) argued that " both hemispheres draw upon and often compete for a finite amount of attention invested in the organism as a whole " .
30 Please telephone for a friendly discussion .
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