Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 then you can go to indirect pressure and try to control the flow of bleeding by using indeed direct pressure , away from the wound , but where an artery , okay , is running near a bone , so you can compress the artery against the bone squash it hard , and for the arm you 'd use this one under here called the breaking now press , move your biceps muscle away and press underneath there , you can perhaps try to feel it for yourself , did you do that this morning or not ?
2 They naturally did not think to apply it to their own empires .
3 But after he had left them Rain wondered whether Shildon might not want to see her about his MacQuillan inquiry , a matter other events had put out of her mind .
4 I would not want to return you to your female progenitor in what , from my briefings on human culture , I perceive to be an indecorous condition . ’
5 We need land at our doorstep … if Russia does not want to give it to us , she will force us to undertake an expropriation proceeding , i.e. a war , for which we have long stored up the reasons …
6 ‘ I do not want to share you with anyone at all . ’
7 I did not want to worry him in his last moments , so I did not tell him that Linton was also dying .
8 You will not need to have me on your conscience . ’
9 She has said nothing of this to me , and as her father I really ought to know , I think , what she , and you , propose to do , even if in the modern fashion you do not choose to ask me for my blessing . ’
10 What would he not give to have her by his side , supplanting with her company all the resentment he felt now at the friendship of others ?
11 King George V always had strong views as to who was suitable for which office , and did not hesitate to express them to his Prime Ministers .
12 As he left , though he did not like to admit it to himself , Huy felt his sadness tempered with relief .
13 I did not plan to submit it to anyone .
14 He was carrying Stair 's silver-topped cane , given to him to look after because in his drunken state Stair could no longer remember to keep it with him .
15 I thought that because he had had such good news he might just like to keep it to himself today .
16 But to meet two gentlemen on the road — we would not hope to meet them off it .
17 Of course , you can not hope to provide them with everything they need , but you must try to provide something to encourage them to come to your microhabitat .
18 as if its life depended on it , Digital Equipment Corp launched its first generation of 64-bit Alpha AXP machines worldwide last week , saying competitors like Hewlett-Packard Co and Sun Microsystems Inc can not hope to match it with their new 32-bit offerings — see page three .
19 Perhaps those who came in repentance and were prepared for the running waters of Jordan to flow over their heads in judgment were thought of as undergoing the judgment of God in symbol so that they would not have to undergo it in its awful reality on the Day of Judgment .
20 You do not have to deduct it from your income , as in the case of personal allowances .
21 It looked a pleasant enough place in which to spend a period of compulsory leisure and I was glad I did not have to share it with anyone .
22 We want to provide for the children 's cognitive development , yet do not wish to assess them by something they are not fully competent in : the English language .
23 Now , though , she was even powerless to move , although he did not attempt to draw her against him .
24 BELVILLE : I did intend what you call the worst , but if I am master of myself and my own resolution , I find I love you beyond all your sex , and on my honour I will not attempt to force you to anything again .
25 One track I 've omitted on purpose the Barcarolle from Tales of Hoffman , in which Dame ‘ Bella ’ is joined by Nellie Walker , and does not attempt to sing it with herself as Elisabeth Schumann did .
26 Oh , well , you 'll just have to get it off him tomorrow .
27 But British authorities are sceptical of its importance and do not intend to add it to their evidence to the Sizewell public inquiry ( which is now enjoying an Easter break ) .
28 He envies her that deep unconsciousness , but can not afford to join her in it .
29 If your purchase is to be a gift , the assistant will normally offer to giftwrap it for you for no extra charge .
30 Last night the woman , who did not wish to be named , said : ‘ I 'm really furious , I 'd just love to slap him on his fat chops .
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