Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Nemeth said of Hungary 's transition to multiparty democracy that " the revolution happened not only because people did not want to live in that way , but also because the government did not want to govern in that way " .
2 Er I do n't think it probably that it does decide help you decide where the location ought to be , but that having said that , I would not want to minimize in any way er the views of my authority er as to the importance erm of the look of contributions from the private sector .
3 Nemeth said of Hungary 's transition to multiparty democracy that " the revolution happened not only because people did not want to live in that way , but also because the government did not want to govern in that way " .
4 Even children who were bombed out of their homes did not seem to suffer in any way
5 Look and listen all you want to , but do n't try to interfere in any way . ’
6 There 's a popular misconception that a beginner 's instrument does n't have to function in any way like a professional model , because much less is expected of it , and that is just not altogether true .
7 His mother and father say they know their son was a bit of a wheeler and dealer , and was not always on the right side of the law , but they say he did n't deserve to die in this way .
8 It did n't seem to help in any way , though .
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