Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pn reflx] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I can only see myself as a conversation piece , worth more as gossip than a fuck .
2 The ideal needs integrity , however , for a citizen can not treat himself as the author of a collection of laws that are inconsistent in principle , nor can he see that collection as sponsored by any Rousseauian general will .
3 For example , individuals brought up in a truly Marxist society would presumably not regard themselves as the subjects of history , whereas those in bourgeois society believe that they are intentional agents .
4 Having grown up a northerner , I make no apologies for saying that I do not regard myself as a southerner who happens to live a few miles up the road .
5 I do not regard myself as a Euro-sceptic .
6 And if King Fahd refuses to have them there , then he can no longer present himself as the guardian , on behalf of the Muslim world , of the holy places .
7 It depends on matters such as physical attributes and abilities of individuals , their monetary resources , the availability of mechanized means of transport and the appropriate infrastructure ; but it does not depend on the opportunities that may or may not present themselves as a result of moving : accessibility alone incorporates this feature ( Moseley 1979a ) .
8 A prison source told TODAY last night : ‘ Courtney does not see himself as a sex offender so he has not applied for Category C status .
9 Some months later , they relented , thought twice , listened to some extra argument about how every jury is skewed in that two or three of its number are not over 65 , and , as such , does not express itself as a cross-section of the populace .
10 However , they do not establish themselves as an emblem to the overall design .
11 An hotel-keeper become bankrupt , the yearly lease terminated and the trustee did not offer himself as a tenant , and the bankrupt 's wife became tenant .
12 Nevertheless , Christine Brooke-Rose does not classify herself as a feminist .
13 If 1 Samuel 4 left them asking whether they could still regard themselves as the people of God , chapters 5 and 6 reassured them that their God had certainly not gone over to the Babylonians .
14 ‘ I know , dear — there is a farm next door to us back on the dear old homestead and Daddy does usually describe himself as a farmer — but I meant that we capitalist parasites would be taking the place of the oxen , not the horny-handed salt-of-the-earth types cracking the whip over them . ’
15 He imagined she would always picture herself as a woman too lazy ever to be guilty , with a certain black dash in the late afternoon , and a temperament born two gins below par .
16 Do you still see yourself as a socialist ?
17 And while the recession has deterred all but a handful of non-Italian dealers from participating this year , the organisers are hoping that by aiming high in all senses , the event will rapidly establish itself as a rival to the Florence fair .
18 The parking bays remains , but vouchers may be purchased individually or in books of 10 from various outlets in the town ( such as the Tourist Information Centre , Brighton Centre , selected newsagents , post offices , shops , garages , hotels , etc. ) which will clearly advertise themselves as a point of sale and the vouchers should then be displayed in the car windscreens .
19 It has also been said that such activities can help to raise the general level of energy of members of the household , the depletion of which may often show itself as a succession of minor illnesses .
20 ‘ Besides , I do n't really see myself as a vigneronne . ’
21 Lesley does n't really judge herself as a musician anyway , but was quite happy to be judged as woman first because she is ‘ immensely proud ’ of her gender .
22 You really should n't use yourself as an aspirin for my general migraine , or whatever you called it . "
23 I do n't see myself as a pop artist .
24 But the point is that I do n't see myself as a playwright in the same way I would see myself as a prose writer .
25 However , I do n't see myself as a jack of all trades ; instead I believe that I am broadening my range of expertise while remaining a commercial lawyer . ’
26 After seeing the professionals at work , Colin ( 7 ) from Duke Street , Leith , does n't see himself as a presenter — because of the lights .
27 Her tone was educated , mocking : she did n't see herself as a servant because she was n't one .
28 She had lived her twenty-two years surrounded by life 's little luxuries , all the wonderful comforts that money could buy , and she did n't see herself as the sort of healthy , hardy girl who could endure too many minor inconveniences with a cheery smile .
29 I 'm not that er good at it er as far as that 's concerned , I can normally tell , but I would n't class myself as an expert in Capodimonte .
30 Unsurprisingly , the court has held that a person charged with making an appointment can not validly appoint himself as the expert : Jones ( M ) v Jones ( R R ) [ 1971 ] 1 WLR 840 .
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