Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until now , in most cases , the child will only have come into contact with those who are most concerned for his welfare — mother , father , grandparents and so on .
2 There was grumbling that he may not have heard among tribesmen at al Hassaniyeh who are resentful at not being able to voice their grievances freely .
3 Had it been essential to inject , many ‘ new ’ users stated that they would probably not have experimented with heroin in the first place .
4 A sick Gooch should not have played in Calcutta with a debilitating virus which developed into a chest infection .
5 They possessed a certain plausibility in as much as Richard could not have gone on crusade without first ensuring that his position as his father 's heir was fully and publicly recognized in the most formal manner possible , while everything about Henry 's policy in the last four years indicated that he was reluctant to make any such announcement .
6 Lord Coleridge C.J. observed , at p. 457 , that the corporation would not have insisted on payment of the dues if they had known the facts .
7 He may not have returned to Paris in 1944 with all his answers to France 's problems fully formed , but he had at least decided what the problems were .
8 As we have already seen , a boy might not have got beyond typesetting at an equivalent stage either , nor did he automatically get much further anyway ; but the girls were almost all set to handsetting for the firm once they were competent at it .
9 Without it , when he was first called , God 's new plans for the redemption of his world would not have got under way at all .
10 But even if the note was deleted ( and Ramsey deleted it in a later edition ) , Raven could not have voted for Ramsey with enthusiasm .
11 Fifty years ago most people would not have thought of RE in such terms .
12 In the past the NZRFU might not have dealt with submissions from individuals ( such as Knight or even Mayhew ) but would have waited for the details to come , union-to-union , through the usual official channels .
13 She had nothing planned , unless it was to go to a cinema show with Jules , and even if she had , there was nothing she would not have cancelled in order to be with Harry .
14 Adoption should not be underestimated as a potential problem , and Howe ( 1990 ) estimated that there are approximately 600,000 relinquishing mothers in the UK — many of whom may not have come to terms with their loss .
15 It could not have come into existence in a single act of chance .
16 The Hungarian party leader , Mr Karoly Grosz , said on March 29th that , had Mr Gorbachev been around 3O-odd years ago , he would not have interfered with force in Hungary 's internal affairs .
17 In the absence of a contrary statement in the contract between X and Y Ltd. , property will normally have passed by virtue of sections 16–18 of the Sale of Goods Act ( paragraphs 3–07 to 3–24 ) .
18 Natural philosophy , or that part of it which is physics , will already have dealt with man to some extent , in considering the phenomenon of sense-perception .
19 It is unlikely to have been the work of Asclepiodatus , who can scarcely have worked for Chlothar before 613 , given his association with Childebert II , and is equally unlikely to have been active after that date .
20 Over-the-counter medicated skin cleansers and washes can help to control superficial grease but as the problem acne bacteria are inside the follicle , they can not get rid of spots on their own .
21 Smith 's unfavourable opinion , which does not seem justified in respect of Coleman 's professional career , is expressed in what seems to be is an inexplicably biassed manner .
22 Thus by 1930 , when a Roman would still have felt at home on an Andalusian estate , Catalonia contained some of the largest textile concerns in Europe and the immigrant labour , which poured into the Catalan towns in order to escape the wretchedness of rural life , brought into the labour movements of a modern industrial civilization the millenarian tradition of peasants and landless labourers .
23 How far laymen would have disapproved of his behaviour is another matter , for concubinage of a type whereby a married man could also have a relationship with a woman who had a recognised position and whose children might share in the inheritance had been common among Germanic peoples , and may still have existed in England in Cnut 's day .
24 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
25 Psychology has recently gained the respectability it should always have had with respect to pain , for two completely irrelevant reasons .
26 Had circumstances been different , I should probably have travelled in Europe during my university days .
27 ‘ I would rather have played for Wales at Cardiff Arms Park than Hamlet at the Old Vic , ’ he said later .
28 The massive stone structure has acquired a mature and acceptable appearance in these days of so much brick and concrete , and it is one of the ironies of the philosophy of conservation that the blessed bridge which Ruskin regarded as a monstrous intrusion into a beautiful natural scene should , a hundred years later , have been noisily protected from demolition by the very people who would presumably have sided with Ruskin in wishing to preserve the landscape .
29 It makes sense that they would really have gone to town on the modifications . ’
30 Yep , there 's been a lot of occasions in the last two to three months when I could really have done with access to a computer .
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