Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 This may perhaps have corresponded to the last creation of the world , for the Maya believed that the world had been created and destroyed several times .
2 Even HG Wells might not have believed in the last years of the 20th century , plans were being laid to walk across the Martian south pole .
3 No , I should not have moved into the second Person .
4 Actually , Edberg might not have got beyond the last eight , for Ivan Lendl played wonderful tennis to lead by a set and 5–4 .
5 But we had various versions of M1 , but we did n't ever get rid of the first version , so we could , the one that Suzannah did and then the one that I changed , and then the one that the Committee changed , all exist so that we can back track what we actually did .
6 After all , if you had asked him , Boy would probably have said for the first time in his life , yes , thank you I am very happy .
7 I 'm sure Linfield would rather have got to the first round proper by playing football but at least they 've played it by the rules and good luck to them against Copenhagen .
8 What was it like ? ’ you grandchildren may ask in the future , for the late eighties in Britain might well become known as the second ‘ Belle Epoque ’ .
9 Now back at Jan Smuts Airport , X-Ray Foxtrot may well have flown for the second time in civvies by the time these words are read .
10 Despite the new marriage codes , common-law partnerships also remained popular — and may even have increased in the nineteenth century .
11 If Jack had had to protect his pitch at Dagenham and White City in the days when men were men , he would n't have survived until the third race .
12 Is it a new editorial policy that New Scientist will investigate the number and source of replies to advertisements within its pages and then print snide remarks about why the unsuccessful applicants should n't have applied in the first place ?
13 I would n't get dressed until the last minute because I thought I would be late and therefore would not have to go to school .
14 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
15 Whatever one thinks of his comparisons , there is no difficulty in conceding in principle that physicists breaking with Newtonian concepts would be struggling to unlearn distinctions and assimilations which other cultures will never have made in the first place , so that the fundamentally different conceptualizations even of a pre-literate culture might illuminate him .
16 Santa Anna lost so much time and so many men in a pyrrhic victory , for which he need never have fought in the first place , that when he finally met the full Texan force under General Sam Houston he was utterly defeated .
17 And then it would all be over — this crazy situation which should never have happened in the first place .
18 I should never have started in the first place .
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