Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well I mean the sort of like in Reading will probably only call once every blue moon Yeah but you 've got a situation where there 's and and sort of and th she 's not gon na tell is she ? th what 's going on
2 In other words , if one person has double the income of another , the property occupied will not necessarily have twice the rateable value .
3 Those of us who were there to witness his quite wretched display against Dundee United in the league in those first few months , and to hear Graeme Souness 's private condemnation of it later , can only realise now the formidable character this player is blessed with .
4 Strictly speaking , only two sentential contexts are required to prove semantic constituency , but of course a constituent limited to only two specific contexts would necessarily play only a minor role in a language .
5 The actual workload of doctors does not necessarily reflect accurately the potential demand for their services , as unmet need is not taken into account .
6 However , it does not make just a single prediction for the universe .
7 In Washington this week Mr Ozal made it clear that he does not want either a Kurdish state or a divided Iraq .
8 Ronni wished an entire treeload of acacia blossom would fall on her if she could just experience again the thrilling touch of that hand .
9 Black-and-white drawings could not convey even a remote impression of the emerald greenery of these wonderful hills nor the vast skyscapes and panoramic views seen from their summits .
10 ‘ I suppose it does not matter now the French bitch is leaving .
11 Living Together as Husband and Wife is very concerned about being ‘ fair ’ to the married couple , but the only way they could truly be ‘ fair ’ to the married housewife would be to entitle the single housewife to less SB than she gets … and you can not entitle even a single housewife to less than nothing .
12 Sadly many of them did not show quite the high standard of dress they expect of their pupils .
13 Is it not time that the Government stood up and were counted by telling the Turkish Government to remove their troops from occupied Cyprus and saying that if they do not do so the British Government will veto any attempt by Turkey to join the EC ?
14 However , it will not do so an indefinite number of times .
15 The relation ’ — larger than — ’ can thus generate only a non-branching hierarchy ; in such a hierarchy we would have to say that B and C above jointly occupied the same position .
16 However , another year I shall not grow even a low line of peas along the south border .
17 Zuccarelli Labs also says that the patent does not give away the real secret of the invention .
18 Even if — which in some cases is a big ‘ if ’ — the patent system does not give away the vital clue to an innovative product of process , innovating enterprises now increasingly prefer to keep their knowledge to themselves in order to preserve their options on when , where and how to market it .
19 So I phoned her last Nancy phoned me last Friday afternoon before she went on holiday to tell me , and I phoned I was n't sure whether just to sort of play it low key or then I thought , Well I know I really should just give here a wee ring .
20 We do not see here the great wealth and immense development of twelfth- or thirteenth-century Italy — we are , after all , still in the tenth and eleventh centuries ; and English towns never achieved the wealth or sophistication of the Italian .
21 In parts of Punjab they must not spend even a single night in their village .
22 It shows good practice that the social worker did not withdraw once the immediate situation was resolved by admission to Part III , but continued to work for reconciliation , and to lessen guilt , so that all feelings were beginning to be worked through .
23 He could not remember now the precise moment at which he had realised , once , time out of mind ago , that he found male bodies inviting and female ones not .
24 Thus , Irish English does not mark syntactically the semantic distinction expressed by the verb form in standard English between ‘ Have you sold your car ? ’ and ‘ Did you sell your car ? ’
25 Such arguments as these suggest that price subsidies and in-kind transfers do not possess quite the overwhelming advantage for the stimulation of consumption of goods that appeared to be evident above .
26 She grinned : all the shit in the world could not blow away the simple wonder of this pastoral scene .
27 The Trobriand Islanders , studied by Malinowski , are matrilineal , but do not have either a totemic structure or totemic rituals .
28 The uncertainty principle says that particles can not have both a well-defined position and a well-defined velocity .
29 The covenantee can not have both the promised performance and some other performance which he agrees to accept .
30 In this approach , a particle does not have just a single history , as it would in a classical theory .
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