Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Controls on illegal trade in animals and plants will effectively disappear with the introduction of the European single market at the start of 1993 .
2 I do rather object to the sort of chap who farts in public and then says ‘ Better out than in . ’ ’
3 There is no point in denying them , even though we may justifiably quibble about the subjectivity of palaeontologists , the imprecision of the boundaries and the importance of the hidden gaps .
4 I should perhaps explain in the context of your various questions when I say that erm we do want to become involved in these things , that , at this stage , and we 've only held two meetings , we have just identified themes and general areas in which we want to work , and not precise projects or activities .
5 Although the courts do have wide powers to re-allocate property and can require an ex-husband to take out life assurance , such arrangements do not necessarily compensate for the loss of an index-linked widow 's pension in old age or a lump sum and widow 's pension payable on a husband 's death in service .
6 These relations , which are part of economic practice , can only exist in the context of a legal system which establishes individual agents as buyers and sellers .
7 If the food supply , for example , is so meagre that there is barely enough food to go round , or starvation conditions exist , then obesity will obviously disappear from the community at large .
8 The only obligations to transfer economic benefits which should not be taken into account are those which would not be considered in accordance with the going concern concept , that is , those which would only arise on the insolvency of the issuer and , where the issuer is expected to be able to comply with covenants on loan and similar agreements , those which would follow a breach of those covenants .
9 However , because ‘ newly-born ’ micelles can only arise at the expense of the preexisting ones ( there is a finite amount of water in the system that must be shared between all the micelles ) , the average radius of the micelles decreases .
10 He contended that pleasure could only arise from the satisfaction of an impulse and that therefore there could be no pleasure , and no possibility of satisfying a desire for pleasure , unless there were impulses towards things other than pleasure .
11 A charter party did not necessarily attest to the ownership of the goods shipped because the charterer might not have been a shipper , but merely a lessor of space .
12 Their grants would be reinstated from that date and they will obviously graduate at the end of the appropriate term .
13 ‘ You can only stay on the planet for twenty-four hours . ’
14 First , and probably of most practical significance , its actions will necessarily be those of its members or officers since , being a legal fiction , it can only act through the instrumentality of human beings .
15 In a situation in which the Crown can only act on the advice of her ministers and where the Lords have been stripped of powers , the Commons is the pre-eminent part of Parliament .
16 It will not happen because the House can not reform itself ; it can only act with the permission of the executive .
17 He did not merely jump on the bandwagon of the great railway boom , but rethought the whole business from scratch and — with sound reasoning — adopted a broad gauge ( 7 feet ) which only had to be converted to the ‘ standard ’ gauge of 4 feet 8½ inches after nearly sixty years because it had become isolated from the rest of the country 's railway network .
18 After the October 1979 coup , Archbishop Romero declared that the new regime lacked any popular backing and could only count on the support of a " few foreign powers " .
19 Greece opposed recognition on the grounds that no country could claim the name of Macedonia ; that the republic , if independent , would only survive as the instrument of another country ; and that it would threaten northern Greece .
20 Because management is made up of virtually constant negotiation and adjustment it can only flourish in the context of other people .
21 We can perhaps include in the category of semantic indicator such cases as the dis — of disappoint , disgust , dismay , etc. , and the im — of impertinent , impudent , etc. , if the former is felt to be related to the dis — of dislike and disapprove , and the latter to the im — of impolite ; the segments — appoint , — gust , — may , — pertinent and — pudent have no discernible semantic function , and do not need a label .
22 The Corporate Plan , recently approved by Council , will greatly assist in the focusing of future budgets .
23 But did it necessarily grow at the expense of royal power ?
24 Such deterioration may not necessarily result from the proclamation of commitment .
25 Changes of emphasis within art education , which have arisen out of a realization that the skills of response and appreciation do not necessarily result from the practice of art , have led to explorations into the nature of aesthetic experience , enquiries into its patterns of development and attempts to assess the skills and achievements possible within this area ( APU , 1983 ) .
26 He predicted that the Sparc market could only benefit from the presence of a set of viable suppliers of Sparc chips — LSI Logic Corp and Cypress Semiconductor Corp having demonstrated ‘ less of a clear roadmap for the future ’ .
27 In doing so , it is hoped that they will not only benefit from the content of the seminars ( topics such as sixth-form teaching and exams ) but , by rubbing shoulders with and getting to know British teacher- trainees , come to a better understanding of the role-model of a language teacher in the UK .
28 One might remark that the working-class child considered it redundant to constantly refer to the presence of a picture since he knew that the researcher was present and could see it for himself .
29 Still partially paralysed by the brain disease Guillain-Barre syndrome , he can only speak with the aid of an artificial voice box .
30 ‘ I 'm taking you in my arms , ’ he returned with a calmness she could only envy from the bottom of her heart .
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