Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [prep] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 Shakespeare 's technique , to let us into a secret that the hero will only discover for himself at the end , is a common one in playwriting and storytelling .
2 Where he found the energy — Anyway , this poor child , only nineteen she was ( he should 've been ashamed of himself and him a man of forty ) — if she 'd only come to me at the start !
3 They can literally come to you at the museum can they ?
4 So when his interest in the affair peters out and he 'd rather not bump into you at the photocopier on a daily basis , it 's you who 'll be left with a P45 and a broken heart .
5 Even though it must have been obvious that he would not hold to it at the last , the threat was enough to make Stormy Petrel veer again to her original course , and though she was trying to increase speed , and was perhaps a little more powerful than Sea Otter , we , on our straight line , could hold her comfortably .
6 I know I have been but I ca n't think of one at the moment
7 No I ca n't think of anybody at the moment .
8 ‘ Jackie ca n't speak to anyone at the moment .
9 No you ca n't look at them at the moment .
10 I ca n't think why it did n't occur to me at the time .
11 And if you did n't pay for it at the weekend you got no groceries next week .
12 I ca n't confide in anyone at the plant .
13 And we especially do n't talk about it at the workplace . ’
14 ‘ Stay with her as much as they 'll let you — do n't worry about anything at the office — I 'm sure Rourke will take care of whatever crops up . ’
15 And nobody Even the church I mean I know the church ca n't agree on anything at the moment , we 're sitting here just down the road of course , the general synod of the church of whatsit and the archbishop of thingummybob is sitting there over their muesli and cornflakes I should imagine at the moment , or a late brunch , erm n not saying anything .
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