Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She could not merely flush her body like a toilet bowl .
2 Would it perhaps affect our outlook on the mother-child relationship if we had to take this responsibility on ourselves ?
3 If he is consistently having to refer back for support this will not only weaken his standing with the contractor , but it will cause uncertainty and delay to the contract .
4 Franco was well aware that the deliverance from evil of so powerful a symbol would greatly enhance his standing among the Nationalist partisans .
5 General Motors has two dealers in Britain — in Kingston and Manchester — and if you want a Syclone they will only lighten your wallet to the tune of £20,000 .
6 Although I did not entirely enjoy my time as a ‘ check knitter ’ , I learned one valuable lesson .
7 It can greatly assist your understanding of the overall organisation of the book .
8 Should you still feel dissatisfied you may personally bring your grievance to the notice of Personnel Management Division or you are free to raise it with your staff association or trade union who may take action on your behalf .
9 Erm , also I , I wanted to try and cover the main points and it 's very difficult with a subject like that to , to only give you part of the , the story otherwise people would immediately say , well , yes , but you have n't thought about this or that .
10 Moments later , Patrick Lundy slammed the hall door shut and hurried down the path , and Katherine , speechless with rage , could only watch him race down the street , still pulling on his coat .
11 He would not only keep his side of the bargain , but enable Israel to keep hers , by putting his Spirit within her people .
12 Magistrates can only use their discretion within the law . ’
13 Those of us who were privileged to hear Paddy Ladd 's moving account of the struggles and pride of the deaf community at last year 's International Conference in Bristol , England , will long remember his response to a challenge from the floor that many parents regarded the birth of their deaf children as tragedies .
14 However again , in the field that 's frequently not and you do literally drop your probe in a bucket .
15 One can only decide what part of a message is new and what part is given within a linguistic or situational context .
16 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
17 ‘ I should so appreciate your help with the background . ’
18 These clubs did not necessarily take their sport in the spirit of fair play .
19 Although I do seem to remember a little scene after you 'd carelessly cut your hand at the fountain , when I mentioned a few more personal attributes that were to my liking . ’
20 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
21 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
22 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
23 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
24 ‘ I can only express our sympathy for the lady and I will bring this to my manager 's attention .
25 If they sign an ‘ income received ’ deal , they will only receive their proportion of the royalties sent to their UK publisher , after the foreign publisher has taken a percentage .
26 If he 'll only put his shoulder to the wheel .
27 ‘ Well , Sarah , we can only put our trust in the Lord . ’
28 The inventor must resist any temptation he might have to publish details of his invention before the first filing date ( the priority date ) , otherwise he could inadvertently add his invention to the state of the art and anticipate his own invention .
29 ‘ But you better get your arse on the deck .
30 Better put your name at the top of the page as well .
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