Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One can only guess what became of the dogs of the town , for they were usually trained to guard their master 's property to the death .
2 the habits and practice of the French courts are different from our own , and … when the cross-examination of [ the ] witness is most material , and will alone enable me to judge of the effect of his examination-in-chief , I decline to delegate my discretion to any other tribunal .
3 Speaking in Yemen 's capital , Sana'a , as the US secretary of state , Warren Christopher , held talks in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait , he warned that Israel 's prime minister , Yitzhak Rabin , whom Mr Christopher is scheduled to meet today , ‘ will only have himself to blame for the crazy escalation of terrorism against our Palestinian people ’ .
4 Mr Wilson said : ‘ The most pleasing thing is that we attract people to activities here who do n't necessarily have anything to do with the Baptist church . ’
5 You obviously harbour some resentment against your ex-boyfriend too , but telling him about the abortion now wo n't necessarily help you to cope with the guilt you are feeling .
6 We said that this in no way lessens the grief , but it does perhaps help us prepare for the event .
7 Do not think you sleep in the hand of God you sleep in the mouthpiece of a telephone
8 I take the view that , having regard to the recitals and to the terms of the order , one can read into the order itself the element of compromise , but again I do not think it is important for the decision of this case ; because the compromise , if compromise it was , was between the plaintiffs and Jack Bernardout , and I do not think it enures for the benefit of Joseph Bernardout , the defendant in these proceedings .
9 Thinking that the police were arresting the wrong man , he attempted to attract the arresting policeman 's attention , and seized his arm for this purpose , since he could not make himself heard over the hubbub .
10 Knowing about methods of preventing pregnancy does not make you go to the doctor or the clinic and ask for them .
11 Mr. Hallworth 's evidence was that he did not want her to enter into the transaction , but she said she wanted to go ahead with it .
12 We would also not want them to fall into the hands of children . ’
13 They do not want it diminished by the Bill .
14 Those who stress sisterhood rather than equality value a great deal in women 's distinctive approach as it now is ( and has been in societies much less egalitarian than ours ) and do not want it lost in the melting-pot of assimilation .
15 Can I just comment I think on the process , what happens is , is that in fact the application is made by the director of property services , we do n't now have a first resolution or a second resolution .
16 try as one might , one ca n't change the group , but , but clearly these are not th the examples that Freud chooses are really big groups where the kind of factors he 's talking about comes through very clearly because y y you can not explain what happens in the Catholic Church or an army .
17 The obligation of the bath Mrs Webster never failed to observe , though she did not trust me to keep to the statutory four inches , but ran the water in for me , adding , in spite of my protests , a most nauseous soap powder .
18 I do not need anyone to rub in the truth that , yes , I too dwell heavily suspended above traffic snarl , pavement noises , an eel-and-pie shop , a tobacconist 's and a hardware store .
19 Rather plainly the poem decides , as others have decided before and since , that the revolution 's humble heroes , revolution once accomplished , did not know what to do with the liberation they had achieved .
20 I did not know what to do with the child . ’
21 Having released a highly successful book of Russian posters the renowned publisher Aurora , which publishes books for export , does not know what to do with the rich reserve of editorial material it has accumulated over recent years , and it has been forced to sell transparencies and texts .
22 This is exactly the difference : a poor conductor often does not know what to do after the third rehearsal , he has nothing more to say , he is more easily satisfied , because he does not have the capacity for further discrimination , and because nothing in him imposes higher requirements .
23 ( Of course since we do not know what happens in the jury room — and it is illegal to find out — the likelihood is that the jury will disregard the law and convict the accused of one offence or the other , hardly the best possible outcome . )
24 Modi 's friends did not know what to make of the romance .
25 We are equally ready to project this highly idealized picture of ourselves onto our own past and do not know what to make of the weird mystical ‘ fantasies ’ in which our ancestors seem to have indulged .
26 An unsporting Stratford Herald critic , leaving Shakespeare country for a night out in Coventry , could not bring himself to join in the fun .
27 I , I er , you would not expect me to continue with the euphoria which you were trying to create earlier , and er , I have to say that I suppose that you would n't er , be proposing any different budget to this would you , in the circumstances that you 've got .
28 It does not matter what happens to the public reputation of John Donne .
29 If , however , an ES can ‘ capture ’ the expertise , it does not matter what happens to the expert ; the maintenance staff can consult the ES .
30 This did not prevent him paying for the installation of a swimming pool to amuse his children who roamed around their new domain during the holidays .
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