Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Private hire cars can only carry passengers in response to requests by phone .
2 I do n't think , you 'd better have cards in front of you .
3 By May the play was almost complete — all that was necessary was the process of readjustment which would necessarily take place in consultation with director and actors .
4 Clearly , however , gender differences do not explain differences in susceptibility to the hepatic effects of alcohol among members of the same sex .
5 The development corporation is a creature of the Conservative Government , who clearly do not trust democracy in operation in Wales .
6 He was not like her own father ; he would not discuss business in front of women .
7 The overbearing sophistication of conceptualism and minimalism did not guarantee success in art for anyone .
8 That provision in itself does not guarantee continuance in post until age 65 .
9 Such a simple view can not accommodate increases in fertility at times when contraceptive knowledge and technique were generally increasing , as in the late 1930s and the post-war baby boom .
10 It is noteworthy that Schuman did not contact Britain in advance of his announcement .
11 Although our eyes can not detect variations in reflectance in the near-infrared band it is possible to measure such variations using appropriate instruments .
12 Any protection screen designed for this purpose should be at least 800mm in height above floor level , and must not contain gaps in excess of 75mm .
13 Included in the pack is a list of approved foreign legal professions , and a list of foreign regulatory bodies whose professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with solicitors in England and Wales .
14 An applicant for registration is asked , unless such confirmation has already been received , to produce confirmation from each of his or her home law societies , bars , chambers or courts that its professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with English solicitors in England and Wales .
15 Every applicant for initial registration is required to produce confirmation from the relevant law society , bar , chamber or court that its professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with English solicitors in England and Wales ( except where such confirmation from that body has already been received ) .
16 ( ii ) confirmation from each of the applicant 's home law societies , bars , chambers or courts ( as appropriate ) that its professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with English solicitors in England and Wales ; and
17 His argument was that the Church of Ireland was ‘ poisoned by ecumenism ’ and as such he , as a Free Presbyterian , could not take part in fund-raising on its behalf .
18 These hapless people did not take flight in response to the spread of ‘ rumours of independence ’ .
19 Believe me , I would sooner go hat in hand to all the bankers in Europe than try and explain to Anna why we 'd ignored her imperial command . ’
20 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
21 It is based on the assumption that the sacred is better than the secular , that the Church is essentially European and only universal by implication , that celibacy is better than marriage , that belief can not go hand in hand with doubt , that the clerical state is more sublime than the lay , and hence that women are excluded from belonging at the level at which this belonging is most valued .
22 The company can not hold interests in land worth more than half its total chargeable assets ( a modified version of one of the BES rules ) .
23 Therefore if a firm plays Cournot , it believes rival firms will not change output in response to a change in hence , the slope of the inverse demand function .
24 The DAI and laboratory data , however , showed significant improvements at four weeks and continued prednisolone treatment does not protect patients in remission from further relapse .
25 Letter post items must not exceed 610mm in length by 460mm in width .
26 The strongest ecological difference is that between those who can accept whaling in principle so long as it is properly regulated and those who do not accept whaling in principle at all .
27 We will not accept liability in respect of claims that we receive after that date .
28 If the buyer indicates that he will nevertheless accept delivery in spite of the breach of condition , that may well amount to waiver ( see Rickards v. Oppenheim , paragraph 7–05 above ) .
29 Although Charlie could always see Trentham in front of him , Tommy was so silent in his wake that from time to time he had to look back just to be certain his friend was still there .
30 Contemplating ‘ the displaced fragments of inner city decline ’ — peripheral council estates — it suggested that wealth-creation ‘ must always go hand in hand with just distribution , — offering , thereby , an alternative interpretation of ‘ partnership ’ ( p. 53 ) .
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