Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] out in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hot enough to sit out in the Piazza studded with big brown and green palms against the rose-coloured stucco of the buildings and perhaps try a first ricotta ice-cream .
2 In a fierce , raw and , at times , downright nasty battle , Barnes led his besieged troops to glory only to hit out in a variety of directions afterwards .
3 But the Queen , well protected by raincoat , hat and umbrella , smiled through the deluge as she chatted with those brave enough to stay out in the open under a gaily-coloured sea of umbrellas .
4 A blazing torch landed beside him , and desperately he tossed it away to sizzle out in the water .
5 ‘ Lovely bit of weather , ’ said her father , and her mother remarked that she always thought it so silly of them not to go out in the country more when they lived so near to it .
6 I could easily stay here to help out in the public , if you like . ’
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