Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] on the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was far safer politically and economically to sit on the scientific fence .
2 Oliphant , who was also knighted , went on to work on the atomic bomb , and subsequently returned to his native South Australia , where he became Governor .
3 Pausing only to pull on the lightweight wrap that lay across the foot of the bunk , she grasped the torch more firmly and peered cautiously around the curtain .
4 With the help of the ESRC , the Yorkshire Dales National Park hope to transform countryside interpretation into an active and creative means of bringing landowners , policymakers and the public together to work on the best way to manage one of the great scenic treasures of northern England , yet maintain a healthy rural economy .
5 French masons were brought in to work on the glorified hunting lodge of Falkland in Fife until it came to resemble a French Renaissance palace in miniature , with the courtyard 's south range richly decorated with Scots thistles , French fleurs-de-lis and pictorial medallions .
6 However , as before , No 7819 started in spectacular fashion only to falter on the latter part of the climb .
7 First , the notion of ‘ usability ’ leads us not only to focus on the eventual users of the information for whom , presumably , companies are investing significant amounts of money on more or less elaborate information-processing systems and structures .
8 However , what an owner sees as his due rights may be seen by others as undue privilege ; and where the general interest is material enough to insist on the second alternative , it may with whatever necessary degree of consideration and justice , seek to override the first .
9 It was like coming in to land on the wrinkled hide of some sleeping behemoth .
10 When it got within spitting distance of Mafouz , who was now standing , arms loosely apart , mouth open , as if hypnotized by the thing 's movements , it did a sharp turn to the left , bounced along horizontally for a few yards , and then snarled up and down to land on the unfortunate boy 's head .
11 Hence the parser has only to decide on the syntactic structure that can be made from combining these different parts of speech .
12 If you think about it , as you were n't strong enough to respond on the first round , you can hardly want to redouble now to play .
13 All of them failed , from the disastrous Purko Sheep Ranch , where the sheep died because the ranch was at too high an altitude , to the four big grazing schemes which went under in the drought of the early 1960s , when people from outside the schemes , under pressure of need , came in to graze on the permanent waters and massive erosion occurred .
14 Ronan 's portrayal of a faintly mad Irish family is just barbed enough to stay on the tougher side of sentimental , his narrative of a friendship 's slow demise uncomfortably convincing .
15 Although provision is made for the acquisition of such rights under the Telecommunications Code ( Telecommunications Act 1984 , Sched 2 ) , it is unwise merely to rely on the statutory machinery .
16 On several occasions he left the bathroom feeling weak and drained , only to stop on the dark landing at the onset of another wave of nausea .
17 With the axe soon to fall on the Unlisted Securities Market , CISCO seeks to promote the importance of the smaller public company .
18 Sit comfortably at the machine and bring the console over to sit on the front bed .
19 Just to comment on the senior inspector 's first point .
20 Normally , the owner must take the cassette out of the machine by hand , and flip it over to record on the other side .
21 We now have the opportunity to move out of the hotel and to rent the house of a Professor of Biology , and thus to save on the high cost of the hotel .
22 Chatterton pulled their legs slightly and said they had better be careful not to get on the wrong side of you again and Glastonbury did n't know what the hell anyone was talking about .
23 Travis , remind me not to get on the wrong side of you again .
24 Henry reluctantly agreed not to act on the papal permission , but John of Salisbury never forgave Arnulf for placing royal interest ahead of papal prerogatives .
25 Modern historians warn us not to rely on the old text-book accounts of the causes of the Reformation , pointing out that the reality was far more complex than these suggest .
26 I also learned not to step on the shiny ones and that red pebbles usually have sharp edges on top .
27 Some of the passengers must have been up just after dawn to watch the huge liner ease its way gently alongside the dock , and those who were n't were beginning gradually to emerge on the upper decks , or to enjoy breakfast by one of the pools .
28 If he thought something interesting , he would desert what he was doing and amble off to meditate on the new idea , muttering to himself as he walked .
29 I have nothing further to say on the green pages .
30 As early as 1985 the Better Health Commission was set up to report on the current health status of the Australian population and to identify underlying health problems and strategies for dealing with them .
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