Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] it [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the past two years The Fellow , who is half a thoroughbred , half trotter , has come to the final fence with Europe 's classic steeplechase seemingly won , only to lose it by a whisker on the run-in .
2 But these were risky gains : with little animal manure and no capital , the peasant broke up more land than he could use , only to abandon it in a drought or when prices fell .
3 Its regional press and magazine holdings went back some time but were not large enough to qualify it as a media company .
4 For Lawrence to give his imprimatur to the idea of the Commonwealth seemed sufficient rebuttal to anyone rude enough to associate it with a loss of imperial virility .
5 It swooped down towards Risborough and he managed to control it enough to bring it into a field
6 It seems better not to include it as a criterion of value , once it is clearly distinguished from probability .
7 As constant access is needed to the board , it is probably better not to put it in a box .
8 If a truth is complicated , a character remarks in An Accidental Man ( 1971 ) , ‘ you have to be an artist not to utter it as a lie ’ .
9 I warned against it at the time , telling investors not to touch it with a bargepole .
10 She was perfectly turned out : patterned black tights , black pointed ballet shoes , snug black mini dress , and an expensive Marlon Brando black leather jacket with the arms hacked off to turn it into a waistcoat .
11 She was lying in a freezing ditch , still with her pet dog , four days after she left home to take it for a walk .
12 Once their canvasses showed majority support for the proposal , they moved quickly to bring it to a vote , thereby avoiding the public debate which had accompanied past efforts at prohibiting honoraria .
13 The English clerk would work doubly hard , either to resolve the problem or carefully to hide it behind a tissue of half-truths .
14 ( Amazing how quickly BR abandoned its scheme to close Marylebone when a scheme popped up to turn it into a kind of Victoria Coach Station for northern routes ! )
15 Although the American constitution was ratified by state legislatures , in more recent times the people are almost universally called on to ratify it in a referendum
16 It 's since been a cafe , a grill and a bric-a-brac shop , with plans now to turn it into a museum and heritage centre ; something Browne Willis would doubtless have approved of .
17 When Sarah McCabe ( 1980 ) queried the logic of why just one police system should be entrusted with the control of crime , law , order , and social assistance , pointing out , ‘ there is some disagreement about the use of the criminal law — unease about control of the streets … [ which poses the question ] who will be controlled and [ who will be ] assisted ’ , she found the tenor of her ‘ thoughtful and moderate examination of the police role … was too much for the senior officers to whom it was presented , and they set out to discredit it with a will ’ ( Greenhill 1981 : 98 ) .
18 But 95 per cent of the studies he reviews deal with the assessment , causes , and treatment of homosexuality , and in doing so , continue indirectly to define it as a problem .
19 Having arrived at a suitable total for local authority expenditure , the next problem is how to express it in a way that allows comparisons to be made either with other contemporary expenditures or with local authority expenditure over time .
20 It would have been much more subtle just to have allowed his wife to demonstrate it when the time came and then to turn it into a talking point . ’
21 It is worth recalling some of the advice given earlier about soft systems studies , ie that the analyst should not attempt to convert a problem situation to a situation without problems , but consider how to improve it in a manner and to the degree that is attainable , given the influencing factors in the situation at the time of the study .
22 What you witnessed that night was Melanie trying to persuade me to perform the operation for her — or , failing that , to get someone else to do it as a favour . ’
23 I had no idea when we might be going to Dili , so I was unable to time my campaign , to know when to bring it to a climax , to know when I could afford to cool things down , to be nice to her , for I did n't want to be thrown out of the house there and then , did I ?
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