Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adv prt] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Diniz also had stayed , and had found his way out into the yard , and the broken pillars of the loggia , where he had found somewhere to sit out of the wind .
2 My own guess , in the latter case , is that sheer ecstasy came with the discovery that it was possible not only to walk out of a marriage , but to do so and flourish , and that the rest of her life was devoted to recapturing this outrageous , outcast joy .
3 War boars are evil minded creatures that will take every opportunity to maim , bite , and kick their Orc masters but this does n't really bother the Orcs who are on the whole sensible enough to keep out of the way .
4 And in build , and in age , yes , striding along to get out of the rain the sooner , he might well be close enough to the shape Aldhelm would present , to an assassin waiting .
5 If the pinches of flake were thrown over any other bream 's head then that fish would veer to one side , but only the bream immediately alongside him would react , and then only to get out of the way .
6 Many of the Minoan sailing ships were probably small enough to drag out of the water on to a beach , but some seem to have been very large .
7 Charlie was about to correct him when Trentham turned away to stare out of the window , obviously not anticipating a reply .
8 She ignored him , turning away to look out of the viewport .
9 He seemed to me to be showing diminishing interest in the enquiry , turning his tidily brushed head away to look out of the window instead .
10 He gave her a hard-eyed stare , then swung away to look out of the window .
11 There were blue plastic seats and a warning in four languages not to lean out of the window ; English , I noticed , requires more words than French , German or Italian to convey this advice .
12 ‘ We tried desperately to get out of the format of landing somewhere , splitting up , getting lost and getting captured , getting into trouble and getting out of it .
13 Without going into matters which might be the subject of the inquiry , can the Secretary of State confirm , first , that there have been recurrent problems with the signalling at either end of the line , as a result of the damp ; and , secondly , the system in case of an emergency and a red light was for the relevant engine drivers physically to get out of the cab and use a telephone near the tunnel ?
14 I make these journeys just to get out of the house .
15 I live in an area of high unemployment and it drives me mad when married mothers go back to work just to get out of the house .
16 ‘ Passengers are requested not to throw out of the window anything likely to injure men working on the line ’ , said a notice in the compartment .
17 How long does this process take from initial request through to hand over of the system ?
18 She just said my prayer-desk would be useful to climb on to look out of the window . "
19 She turned her head quickly to stare out of the window .
20 With this firmly decided , she made her way up to change out of the trousers and sweater she had been wearing all that long day .
21 Father , how is that to be distinguished , in such conditions , from a Benedictine brother in dark habit and cowl , if he be young and stepping out briskly to get out of the rain ? ’
22 While the point of the job is to make money , it is also to get out of the house and talk to other people .
23 I had almost consciously to go out of the house in the morning with a smile fixed on my face , keep it on and breathe an air of absolute confidence when I was feeling anything but that way inclined .
24 She would do well to get out of the area before they turned up .
25 Eventually , then , I decided the best strategy would be simply to stride out of the room very suddenly at a furious pace .
26 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
27 As she was about to walk out of the office , the telephone rang .
28 Life is about to wriggle out of the arms of death itself .
29 She threw an agonised , reproachful look at Ruth and seemed about to run out of the room , but with three words Ernest stopped her .
30 An hour or so later I saw my mother 's green Metro , just about to turn out of the drive-way of Hamish and Tone 's house .
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