Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1931 , Horton visited Denmark to look more closely at the Folk Schools and their relationships with the trade unions , farmers ' co-operatives , and other cultural and social movements , and though he was in part disappointed by the fact that the Folk Schools had moved away from their original aims and methods , he was able to speak to many people who were involved in this movement and added another dimension to the idea which was eventually to find its expression in Highlander .
2 If , however , a married man had children young enough to keep his wife at home , then during the high-price years he could not have earned enough to support his family without supplementation .
3 For Jenkins , who ousted Stephens last season only to lose his job through suspension and injury this winter , it will be a return to the big time after only one game in the past month .
4 Usually panel members of this sort are paid a certain sum of money for their trouble , but not enough to affect their standard of living and relevant purchases .
5 Karenin was a direct result of that society and even before she left him she knew there was no way out because she was n't strong enough to sacrifice her position in society .
6 Could we be sure in those circumstances that the American president and Congress would be prepared to risk the wholesale destruction of American cities merely to meet our point of view ?
7 By the age of five I was given glasses which had no effect , serving only to restrict my field of vision , since I could only really see to read with one eye .
8 As Citrine had earlier told his colleagues , a tactical retreat of accepting the Minister 's suggestion and then showing it to be ineffective would enable them better to assert their independence in future .
9 He pushed the harmonium into the place where the mangle had stood , then sat down to sup his mug of tea .
10 But it still interested him , if only to put his mind at rest .
11 Cromwell commissioned Stephen Vaughan , one of the English envoys in the Low Countries , to seek out Tyndale and persuade him to return to England , hoping perhaps to enlist his pen in support of the new policies .
12 I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity that I was primarily a practical policeman and not an academic ; and I also noted that while the college was keen to list the academic qualifications of those on the course , the participants quickly justified Lewis 's assertions by playing them down to emphasize their history of praxis and practical mastery .
13 If , however , a married man had children young enough to keep his wife at home , then during the high-price years he could not have earned enough to support his family without supplementation .
14 She would probably wait patiently to seize her chance at egg laying , then steal in , for reed warblers are primary hosts to cuckoos in wetland habitat .
15 He is entitled to protect both of these : see Morris ( Herbert ) and Attwood v Lamont [ 1920 ] 3 KB 571. 3.1 The employer 's special trade connections The employer is entitled only to protect his business against use of his special trade connections by others but not to protection from competition from his former employee : see the Morris ( Herbert ) case .
16 But despite the place given to women , most of the programmes are organised around a male presenter who ‘ manages ’ the women and brings them in to contribute their bit of knowledge .
17 Soon it was not enough to demonstrate your success in life by the acquisition of material goods .
18 The central Asian khanates ( Khiva , Bukhara and Kokand ) did not trust the Russians enough to take their advice on trade routes .
19 ‘ Law and order prevail from the highest to the smallest , and to suggest that there is any chaos is merely to display our lack of information .
20 The French were crushed by the native forces and the Americans were forced to move in to take their place in order to safe-guard their investment , going a little deeper into the quicksand .
21 Our appeal to our traditional supporters was not enough to outweigh our lack of success with those growing numbers who no longer count themselves as working class .
22 But Dr Haritos-Fatouros , Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Thessalonika , concludes that such feelings of shared humanity are often not strong enough to override our obedience to authority .
23 Let's be progressive enough to show our commitment to sister unions in other European countries by giving our members the language tools needed for the European trade union movement .
24 Stéphane Dumas looks for a soul in things that have been thrown away to continue their life as rubbish .
25 The main reason for using a Statutory Demand is not to drive your debtor into insolvency , which helps no one , but rather to bring pressure to bear on having accounts paid and having them paid quickly .
26 It 's important not to lose your security of tenure in council accommodation — which is so hard to come by in the first place — by making yourself " voluntarily homeless ' .
27 When Jesus says to his disciples , ‘ You are not to set your mind on food or drink ; you are not to worry ’ ( Luke 12:29 — the only New Testament use of the word ) , he is saying that God 's care for us as Father means that food and drink are not to be a hang-up , an occasion for doubt and anxiety which constantly keeps us up in the air .
28 Just to set your mind at rest , Phil , I 'll start by telling you that there is nothing wrong with your equipment ; the situation is definitely down to other factors .
29 However , just to set your mind at rest , seeing as you 're so concerned about my welfare , I shall make a point of telling the rest of the Day-to-Day team what 's been going on .
30 Since you 're more than a little accident prone at this time , exercise caution and be careful not to lead your owner into trouble .
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