Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adv] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 WOLVES manager Graham Turner , desperate not to fall away from the Division One promotion pacesetters , looks set to move for Morton striker Alex Mathie .
2 As the most avaricious of the courtiers Damory was put under restraint in November 1317 by Aymer de Valence , Earl of Pembroke , and Bartholomew Badlesmere [ qq.v. ] , both of them moderates among Edward 's associates , who imposed on Damory a written undertaking not to profit excessively from the king 's generosity nor to permit others to do so .
3 Etam sales , up 32 per cent to £84.3m on an increase in trading space of 29 per cent , appeared to benefit from the hot summer weather and its low-priced fashion for younger women seemed not to suffer greatly from the effects of higher mortgages .
4 ‘ We 'd do best to meet away from the office , ’ he said .
5 Your job , however , is to mend any plausible cracks you observe — to do a better survey , measuring and controlling important new variables — not to walk away from the edifice declaring it to be a hazard .
6 Evans took a taxi out to a forest just to get away from every islander asking him how much he liked the place .
7 So really it sounds the sort of thing that 'll be nice for you and I to go really just to get away from the children .
8 He was n't going for a joy trip , he was n't going out in the boat just to se to while away an hour or so to relax and to unwind , he was n't going there to , just to get away from the crowd of people that had been following him and had been listening to him , he had a purpose in going in into the boat , to go to the other side .
9 hang on to somebody elses tail lights , it gives us a false sense of security watch your speed , you may be going much faster than you think , do not speed up to get away from the vehicle which is too close behind you , remember that if you 're driving with heavy people it may take longer to pull up and speed on ahead , warning signals or
10 None of the six — Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ; Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa ; Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska ; former Senator Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts ; former Governor Gerry Brown of California , and Governor Douglas Wilder of Virginia — were nationally recognised figures , and all had laboured unsuccessfully to break away from the pack and establish a clear lead in the polls .
11 He flushed with anger when he remembered how the legal aid he had levied to furnish her to her wedding had brought in only miserable trickles of money on the date appointed , and how he had been forced to send out letters to all and sundry requesting loans to help to pay for her clothes and dowry , and even to borrow abjectly from the City of London and some of its richest citizens , with all the members of his council pledging themselves for repayment , so low was his own credit fallen .
12 Continued the woman : ‘ This is one of the quietest parts of Northern Ireland and that 's why we moved here six years ago to get away from the city .
13 Show her how to pull away from the body as she pulls the zip up , so other clothes do n't get caught in it .
14 She was just about to turn away from the window when she thought she saw something suddenly move in the far corner of the walled garden .
15 How to get more from the customer and deliver a lesser service and how to give less to the staff and get more work .
16 Kovalenko cast doubts on the ASEAN proposal for a neutral zone since he imagined it ‘ wrong to think that the ASEAN countries have already managed fully to break away from the influence of the imperialist powers and that they are free to pursue their own foreign policy ’ .
17 Ironically , having entered muon catalysed fusion initially to get away from the frenzy of high energy particle physics , Jones was about to be catapulted into greater media attention and controversy than a career in particle physics was ever likely to have given him !
18 16.42 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 8 should be taught how to scrutinise a text for details of characterisation , settings and attitudes , and how to quote appropriately from a text to support their opinions .
19 As children get older , it helps to hold short family meetings to discuss matters like holidays , which concern the whole family , and talk over anything which is important to the child — her pocket money or when to return home from a party .
20 If I want to relax I go out in the garden , anywhere to get away from the kids ' bawling . ’
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