Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adv] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean given that you 've got a , oh I do n't know , a pound you 're going to spend a week in gambling entertainment , if I could put it that way , you 'd do better to go in for the pools , because if you did have a win you might have a big one , than to put it on a horse — am I right ?
2 ‘ Look , ’ Forester said urgently , and Carson could imagine his knuckles going white as he gripped the payphone receiver hard in an attempt to get his point across , ‘ my chance at having a kid 's been ruined , and the police and the government have got their heads together to cover up for the killer . ’
3 By twelve o'clock he had usually earned enough to live on for the day .
4 Some cooks are born great , others have their natural skill improved by training , yet others train hard enough to make up for a lack of natural talent .
5 The world No. 1 gave the tie her best , however , but even that was not enough to make up for the shortcomings of her second in command , Claudia Kohde- Kilsch .
6 Although people were allowed to eat other foods freely , in fact when they were deprived of their refined carbohydrates they tended not to increase their intake of these alternative foods very much — not enough to make up for the calories they were saving .
7 As hard as Marshall try to convey the message of versatility in this type of combo , I defy anyone who plugs into it for the first time not to go straight for the overdrive sounds : ‘ If it 's a Marshall then it 's going to rock , whether it wants to or not ! ’
8 If you live too far away to drive up for the day why not go for an extended weekend ?
9 Well he 's taken us out when they 've been to bloody shop working and come back and wa I admitted that , but I mean just to go out for an evening .
10 Knowing what your rights may be worth in money terms will help you not only to decide whether or not to take legal action , if necessary , to recover the sums due to you , but also to assess the reasonableness of any ‘ termination package deal ’ offered to you and generally to plan ahead for the future .
11 It would be so easy just to give up for a while .
12 Vincent decided not to hang about for the landlord , but head back on foot the way they had come .
13 At the time and date arranged , he meets an old friend and decides not to turn up for the meal with his niece .
14 Second , Corinth was sacked by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC with Roman thoroughness , not to rise again for a century .
15 And by the way , I have an appointment in the city around eleven , so I may not be back to stand in for the dinner breaks .
16 Lucien , however , liked the comparative privacy of the court and , once he 'd become familiar with the routines of the household and felt confident enough to venture around alone , went there often to limber up for an hour before his own breakfast .
17 Too frightened even to go out for a Saturday morning shop at Sainsbury 's in case fans inspected her … and the contents of her shopping trolley .
18 Turning well inside the box he side-stepped Birney to hammer in a shot which McConnell did well to push out for a corner .
19 On one occasion she packed up her car as if about to go away for the weekend , then sauntered up the street , leading the press to believe she had gone to buy a packet of Polos .
20 It swung open as he was about to reach out for the handle .
21 Carew was about to reach down for the attaché case resting against the leg of the chair when Harrison leaned forward towards him , his face contorted with bitterness and dislike .
22 WARRENDER fitness instructor , gives Citizen readers a few tips on how to trim up for the summer .
23 Sweet Molly , who he was about to take out for the day and seduce if he got the chance .
24 I know when to duck out for a breather .
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