Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] not [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Britten and William Plomer , his librettist , must have known instinctively that an opera celebrating the most masterful sovereign in English history nevertheless could not offer a modern ( even a Coronation ) audience Good Queen Bess or Schiller 's avenging spitfire .
2 Now in terms of whether it should be five thousand plus , that of course is a matter of whether there is demand , now my my conclusion , from my fairly extensive knowledge of Greater York , is that you just could not fit a new settlement that size satisfactorily into the settlement and landscape pattern of Greater York , or its immediate surrounds , I just can not identify a location where that could be where where the roads , the public transport , the landscape , or indeed the agricultural land quality , from now onto five an area , suitably large for that type of what would be a a new town .
3 Cookstown sprung into life after this and although they played some flowing football they just could not penetrate a resolute Ballymoney defence until that is the 40th minute when a bad blunder from the Ballymoney goalkeeper Merchant presented Alan Shaw with a simple tap in from only five yards .
4 He just could n't get a decent length to putt to fall , and I felt it was getting to him .
5 bloody hell , shuffling like a buggery here , I just ca n't make a bloody hand
6 Tony , 47 , who once admitted to drinking up to twelve pints a night , just ca n't resist a good time .
7 You just ca n't keep a good man down even if he is only five foot seven .
8 Hereford just ca n't keep a clean sheet and their lowly league position reflects that .
9 He was wearing a grubby trench coat with the collar turned up so I still could not get a good look at him , but there was no mistaking his dimensions .
10 But , I mean , do , to be more realistic , I mean , o , if , obviously if , if all the government took a fifty percent pay cut it still would n't make a great deal of difference ?
11 And you still ca n't get a good daily woman now to clean , not for love or money .
12 I still ca n't get a clear definition on the true meaning of it all .
13 Your principles and hard held prejudices will be respected if for no other reason than one of simple commercial sense : you probably would n't do a good job creating the advertisement even if you tried , because you actively disbelieve in the product or proposition .
14 ‘ The most obvious thing in mine may be that I like to work with numbers , but if I 've an urge to be an innovator too , I probably wo n't make a successful auditor .
15 IF IT worries you that the national survey on sexual habits is not going to take place , you could take comfort from the thought that it probably wo n't make a vast amount of difference in the long run .
16 Still , too much detail is better than not enough , and the experienced user probably wo n't read a fat lot of the manual anyway .
17 The frog relies on its fly detectors so much that it probably can not see a motionless insect , and will starve rather than eat one .
18 but of course the main event of the year at Headingley is the Test Match , and say Yorkshire Cricket Club : ‘ You really could n't have a better view than from the comfort of an executive box . ’
19 As is the case with its farming and defence policies , the current budgetary arrangements of the EEC simply could not survive a substantial enlargement of the Community .
20 Male disco boppers who , judging by their blank faces as they endlessly crash-land nose first at bemused singer Greg Acknell 's knees or into mic stands , simply could n't give a flying toss about the band .
21 Surely , Masha and I had said , there were safeguards ; a madman on his own simply could n't unleash a nuclear warhead ?
22 Tonight 's programme suggests such parental back-up is n't always enough , but that police will continue to caution young offenders , because the criminal justice system simply ca n't handle a big increase in cases .
23 We simply can not form a clear and distinct idea of the fact that something is conducive or inimical to the actualisation of our essences without this influencing our behaviour towards or away from it .
24 First and then could n't take a return one then .
25 While younger pupils can not be expected to have great depth of understanding and indeed will not reach a mature conceptual level of historical understanding until their mid-teens , none the less the initial building bricks in the process can be laid from the very beginning of the pupil 's school career .
26 ‘ And you certainly ca n't travel a hundred miles alone ! ’
27 There are a number of options , but I most certainly would not lead a breakaway church . ’
28 ‘ But he is in good form and I certainly would n't receive a severe shock if he were to win even though he is a long way out of the handicap .
29 He wo n't induct them to a living if he can help it and he certainly would n't put a divorced priest into a canonry . ’
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