Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [det] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only present this if the employee demands the facts .
2 For example , if you worked with a seed head , you could show a sample of the plant from a side view and another viewed from straight on , a stem and some leaves with a tiny piece of root attached to create a very attractive design , but only do this if the plant has been grown in your garden or in that of a friend .
3 In a substantial proportion of cases dischargers normally display little or no objection to the standards imposed by the agency , as a result of preparatory work in negotiations conducted by the field officer together with , in more important cases , his area supervisor .
4 The question now arises : can that rational animal Man ever become more than an animal which criticizes its own spontaneous tendencies in the light of its awareness of itself and of external conditions ?
5 They always do that when the plague comes to London .
6 The Endowment Appeal is to fund the College 's teaching Fellowships — many of which still have little or no endowment — and is aimed primarily at Somervillians and at Trusts .
7 An intense field of humming guitars and amplified noise , Kill Laura 's songs similarly bear little or no resemblance to the rest of contemporary music , which is fine by me .
8 Parliamentary counsel in particular become weary of the criticism of their work by lawyers and non-lawyers , who do not appreciate the pressures under which they work and who not infrequently have little or no drafting experience .
9 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
10 It 's estimated that over ten million people now earn less than the Council of Europe 's decency threshold for wages .
11 Although the names looked at so far dip more than a toe into this price region , we feel like trying a different brand .
12 However , the general precedents often contain little or no guidance about when to use a particular form , or why a particular term is drafted in a particular way ( although many firms ' own in-house precedents are accompanied by a commentary explaining the terms and offering suggestions for modifications ) .
13 Mainly middle-class , they often have little or no concept of the lives of working-class women , who are still the real victims of male oppression .
14 Whereas they all currently specialise either in advanced academic credit-bearing courses of one or two years , or in short courses for groups who often have little or no contact with each other , Northern College 's founders hoped to combine long courses with ten-week courses so that students would benefit from having the continuity of learning associated with the long courses alongside the fresher experiences and perceptions of students on short courses .
15 I would make the point that it has taken thirty five years for us to reach this point where we have comprehensive strategy for York , we have battled with er various greenbelt boundaries in the past , I think there has never been erm a total review development plan requirements for the Greater York area , no more of its implications on possible greenbelt boundaries , we now have that and the greenbelt local plan , Southern Ryedale local plans are being progressed on the basis of that strategy , and there are other plans in the pipeline .
16 Secondly , the marketers of such a financial product often need more than the lifestyle information can provide on its own .
17 But though such temperate-zone parasites can be unpleasant and dangerous — Lyme disease can kill — they rarely affect more than a handful of people .
18 The applications sometimes know this because the employer says so in acknowledging the first approach .
19 You rarely need more than a teaspoonful , you add it at the absolute final moment of cooking , you do not blaze it ( at least I do not ) , you treat it simply as a seasoning .
20 In the wild clownfish seldom stray more than a metre or so from their anemone and are therefore good aquarium subjects , finding no difficultly in settling down in the confines of the average home system .
21 Many spreadsheet users never use more than a mono text mode display !
22 Relatively few individuals survive to become adults and most of these seldom live more than a year or two .
23 Cars , trucks , planes and boats currently contribute more than a quarter of the annual greenhouse gases worldwide , a percentage that is likely to increase .
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