Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I only see her at the office .
2 just let it at the bottom .
3 Just dump it at the door there .
4 Just leave it at the moment I 'm trying to here if you ca n't
5 not throw it at the cyclist had I ?
6 Cos I just fancy them at the moment .
7 Or just throw it at the neighbours , thought Henry grimly , as he tipped the edenwort in next to the water-chestnuts and the giant yam .
8 If you 'd like a copy just phone us at the Careline and the number to call is
9 You always , you always have it at the beginning or any er programme .
10 When bream patrol their feeding routes they frequently display themselves at the surface .
11 But if you have others which I do not deal with satisfactorily then please raise them at the end . ’
12 If you have any questions please contact me at the Centre for Research into Environment & Health , St David 's College , Lampeter , Dyfed SA48 7ED .
13 If you know of any in existence , please contact him at the London office .
14 If you can help us , in whatever way , please contact us at the address overleaf .
15 If you require more information regarding functions , accommodation or booking please contact us at the address below .
16 If you did , or know who did , please contact us at the magazine .
17 If you did , or know who did , please contact us at the magazine .
18 Well leave it at the moment .
19 Suppose also that an investor intends to buy the share , hold it for one year and then sell it at the end of the year .
20 Tell them what you 're going to tell them before you tell them , and then summarise it at the end and tell them what you told them .
21 Either visit them at the Bohunt Centre or phone Liphook 725001 or Petersfield 0730 64887 .
22 Neither do I at the moment , ’ Ian admitted .
23 Cameramen never bother me at the top of my swing .
24 We certainly appreciate it at the channel ports .
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