Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The erm , yes these and it started to be like warfare more than a game you know at that stage but hopefully now we 're getting back to some sort of sanity with the membership cards you know , because we , the crowd is segregated from the away supporters now and that 's cos if Walsall go into the second division again they 'll have to spend so much I believe on the ground to cage the away supporters in which they do n't have to do in the third division .
2 ‘ It is very nearly all I think of the hope in it , the glory to come … if I live to see it . ’
3 This will create a seating island which is probably all you need in a confined space .
4 On the application , the walls are in wood , and that 's as much you get with a polycarbonate roof .
5 I 've got no specific figures or names in mind , but I think there will be a further growth , particularly in the number of people who supply existing credit cards , and that 's important because they may do better and different deals with the retailers over how much they charge for the processing .
6 If you play around with the savings plan spreadsheet you will quickly discover that the earnings ratio is n't dependent on how much you put into the plan every month , only on how long you save for and the interest rate .
7 Now confidence has manifested in lots and lots of ways and its appealing to that confidence as much as the insecurity , er that makes the advertiser 's and the manufacturer 's of all manner of products er , their huge profits , now I guess we all spend money on , on various products and er , do you , do you worry about how much you spend on the body beautiful or just the body ? , do you or , I mean does any , I wonder if you think you spend too much on it ? , let me ask you that , do you spend too much money on your body ? , er button one for yes and button two for no .
8 On to Wing On Street , better known as Cloth Alley , where you can find silks , linens and wools at incredibly low prices , and where the salesmen know exactly how much you need for a shirt or a suit .
9 How much you pay for the eurocheque service depends on the number of cheques you issue , but there is an annual fee of £5 for your eurocheque card .
10 It would be churlish of me not to say how much I welcome that statement , and how much I rejoice in the fact that to add to the four climbdowns that I announced at 4 o'clock , there is a fifth — the abandonment of the proposal announced by the Home Secretary in column 167 of Hansard on 2 July .
11 Not the one who wanted , for goodness sake , to have a different matching shopping trolly for her different outfits But how much I agree with the lady who wanted the cost of High Street Christmas lights spent on something more practical .
12 We 've done a quick calculation of interview sheets that we think we , we need , I need two boxes for Caernarfon , Jan needs three , we 've got four and a half boxes already , we were gon na order two just to be on the same safe , but we 're just looking into erm whether we need , how many we need on the R S I 's on the M sixty three cos we might as well order them all together , save
13 We corresponded , and he taught me almost all I know about the conductivity of electricity and its effect on those bodies through which it passes .
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