Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] a [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ten-year programme represents not so much a strategy for growth ; it is more a guess at the government 's ability to rein in the booming provinces of the southern coast and the Yangtze delta .
2 A dull , cold , rainy day does not literally mean ‘ sadness ’ — it is possible to be happy on such a day — but it is so obviously a metaphor for sadness that when it appears in writing it has become a cliché , intended to trigger a predictable response .
3 JCT 80 provides that ’ Full discharge by the Contractor in respect of payments for materials or goods supplied by the Nominated Supplier shall be effected within 30 days of the end of the month during which delivery is made less only a discount for cash of 5% if so paid . ’
4 If you can shop only once a week for example , you will need much more deep freeze space than if you can shop every day .
5 The only person in the house who did not appear excited was Grace Poole , who stayed in her room upstairs , coming down once a day for food and drink .
6 This is not necessarily a recipe for despair , however .
7 Such records are not only a stimulus for enthusiasm and an aid to forward planning but have communication value for a team of staff as well as for parents , and help continuity in case of staff change .
8 These shimmering fables , in which an ageing heroine , a ‘ sweet Shura ’ or a Zhenechka , guards her faded mementos and sharp , unfinished memories in defiance of history , help us to understand , perhaps , the drive behind the current , terrifyingly fearless race towards 19th-century-style capitalism : that it is not only a hunger for consumer goods , but a kind of nostalgia for a glamour all the more potent because few now remember it .
9 His enduring legacy was on the Papworth estate , where he left behind , not merely a reputation for kindness and generosity , but a series of ‘ new model cottages ’ for farm workers which continued to be appreciated several decades after his death .
10 EUROPE must be a Community for people , not merely a Market for business .
11 ‘ But this is not just a plea for money , ’ says Smith .
12 This ( again ) is not just a problem for feminism .
13 Sally Gunnell 's well deserved victory in this year 's Olympics ( see left with her gold and bronze medals ) was not just a boost for employer Pannell Kerr Forster — its fax paper now reads ‘ Sally Gunnell — Olympic Champion Another PKF First ’ — but also for the British team .
14 It was unreasonable to feel shocked by this , I thought , watching them from the edge of the terrace as they sat at our table and Richard ordered drinks : a young woman with an older man is not even a cause for surprise .
15 Second , the book is not primarily a programme for change .
16 At a time when so many natural phenomena remained both inexplicable and uncontrollable , and when medical knowledge was more often a force for harm than good , many individuals continued to feel a pressing need for supernatural assistance , and to seek it indiscriminately through both Christian prayers and magical charms .
17 There is also usually a disposal for capital gains tax purposes by the corporate shareholder , and reference should be made to Statement of Practice 4/89 in this regard .
18 Follow Me , which is also mainly a vehicle for language items , is different in that some sections are designed as the first introduction to a language item .
19 ‘ Because , ’ said Damian Flint , ‘ when antagonism springs up between a man and a woman , it 's really just a fight for supremacy .
20 The move was really just a change for change 's sake — I was simply bored to tears by it all .
21 Whilst the issue of alcohol abuse is quite properly a matter for concern , it should be seen in perspective .
22 ‘ It 's almost entirely a matter for management , ’ says Martin Taylor , deputy chairman of Hanson , the industrial conglomerate and one of Britain 's biggest companies .
23 ‘ We 're almost exactly the same age — his birthday is six months after mine — and we see each other at least once a week for lunch .
24 Use twice a week to begin with , then once a week for skin maintenance .
25 Very few had considered what to do about the care management-care programming interface but then this is at least partly a problem for health authorities .
26 Nevertheless it is difficult to judge how far a movement for independence in Latin America , inspired by North American example and the ideology of the French Revolution , had advanced beyond the traditional colonial grievances .
27 A candid confession to youthful pot-smoking , it is generally agreed , is no longer a disqualification for office , but the sore part of the latest wound — pretty mild by Clinton standards — was that he had been evasive when asked repeatedly about it for at least seven years and that even last week 's admission was shifty .
28 My very writing became a different adventure , no longer the dolorous itinerary of a convalescent , no longer a begging for compassion and friendly faces , but a lucid building , which now was no longer solitary ; the work of a chemist who weighs and divides , measures and judges on the basis of assured proofs , and strives to answer questions .
29 Betjeman captured the concern in 1938 in his poem Slough : What had appealed so much to a previous generation was no longer a cause for pride .
30 The question of authorisation and its concomitant question of adequate financial resources is therefore properly a subject for home country control and supervision .
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