Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as she [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 There she could call for any food or liquor she wanted , so long as she had the wherewithal to pay the inflated prices demanded by the Sponging House keeper .
2 USER FRIENDLY should make today another classic payday for local hero George Duffield so long as she gets the green light to tackle the Coalite St Leger at Doncaster .
3 In the recent House of Lords judgment in the aptly named Savage case , the court ruled that a person can be guilty of actual bodily harm regardless of whether she — in that case — intended any harm or was reckless about causing harm , so long as she intended the assault .
4 Of the four lecturers I interviewed , three could be broadly described as ‘ traditional ’ in their views , while one might be described as having a ‘ radical ’ viewpoint in so far as she challenged the conventional wisdom of English studies .
5 Not entirely sure if she was being teased or not , because so far as she knew the Irish did indeed take leprechauns very seriously , she gave a weak smile .
6 Lucy walked up the fight of steps ; the plate glass doors slid open electronically as she crossed the beam .
7 She had always left the flat by the time Claudia came home , and she knew her sister was with Roman , and the dull despair that lived with her permanently would deepen a little more as she tidied the theatre programmes or the menu from an exclusive restaurant .
8 Now he was touching her again , but only because desire had renewed itself , and she was helpless in the grip of a wild excitement once more as she felt the erotic plunge of his tongue filling her mouth and a tormenting finger drew sensual circles round her navel .
9 She gripped the pistol more tightly as she reached the wall beneath the window and rose slowly .
10 He looked at her more closely as she poured the stale brownish water from the vase down the sink .
11 There was no point in her dropping out and wrecking the film and , in any case , for as long as she worked the film company would pick up Maisie 's crippling Canadian hospital bills .
12 Even today as she tells the story , she is harassed .
13 She turned round quickly as she heard the sound of a step at the door .
14 Her hand shook only very slightly as she put the empty glass down on the table .
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