Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [be] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At first he agreed that he 'd much rather be at home with me .
2 Fourth , if , having acted according to these principles , he were subsequently challenged regarding the lawfulness of his conduct , the doctor would have the benefit of the defence of necessity if he had intervened , but if he had not intervened , he would not thereby be in breach of his duty to his patient .
3 I would need to revise my knowledge of patient/client confidentiality so that I may not inadvertently be in breach of proper professional conduct .
4 This technology will not only be of use to the programme itself , but can also be made available at state and local levels .
5 Theoretically , Karla Fohrbeck could in her official capacity prevent any purchases she disapproved of , but such a veto would not only be in breach of artistic freedom but would also conflict with her idea of autonomy for the museums in her charge .
6 The senior staff of the TANU press felt that , while they might not always be in agreement with everything the Government and its various ministries did or said , they were committed to its goals ; the same , they believed , could not be said of the Standard .
7 Marian was alarmed and Allen drew quietly to one side so that they should not both be within reach of this giant .
8 Thus an owner of land and a person intruding on that land without his consent can not both be in possession of the land at the same time .
9 For yes , oh yes : the first mission of the new Marine Scouts would indeed now inevitably be in support of a major campaign of full Crusade status …
10 ‘ Oh , I know she 's ill , David , please , I did n't mean that ; I know she would n't exactly be on top of the world .
11 You know , and he 'd got you , you ca n't sort of say , do n't ever be in touch with me or do n't ever or do n't ever
12 He ca n't really be in touch with the twenty years olds .
13 Some of this will almost certainly be in contravention of the 1988 Copyright Act , but a lot will be legitimate copying similar to that which goes on in all universities and public libraries .
14 Since the testes are removed , however , the dog will no longer be of value for breeding purposes .
15 When drugs start to affect your mind , you will no longer be in control of all your actions .
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