Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb infin] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The plants that rely on them to do so only open their flowers at night .
2 This ambiguity does not greatly alter our conclusions regarding airburst altitude : once an object has spread to , say , twice its initial radius , its further spreading happens so quickly that an ‘ explosion altitude ’ is defined to within a few kilometres , regardless of whether the explosion is taken to occur then or when the object has spread to 5–10 times its initial radius .
3 Customs and beliefs deriving from a pagan past may have been frowned upon , but they did not necessarily exclude their adherents from the community of Christians .
4 That civilised human beings can be responsible for acts of enormous wickedness does not necessarily invalidate our arguments for placing the study of literature at the centre of the National Curriculum .
5 All the new year 's resolutions in the world will not necessarily curb your cravings for sweet food .
6 Preventing dental and gum disease will not only make your visits to the dentist more pleasant , but will mean that your mouth feels fresher and you can have a bright smile .
7 As you will see in the following chapters , a British Open-winning caddie will not only have his yardages at his fingertips , but will also have gone out at the crack of dawn measuring up again before each round after studying where all the pin positions are .
8 Severed from the rest of the world by sea and sky , an atoll-dweller , unlike a continental people , can not easily resolve his differences with neighbours by simply fighting or moving on if he loses .
9 The Irish League can not just wash their hands of the matter , as Morton McKnight seems to have done .
10 Owners of domestic dogs do not normally expect their pets to be out hunting prey , bringing it down and killing it , in the same fashion as their wild cousins — the wolf on the Arctic Tundra or the Cape hunting dog of the African Serengeti .
11 Pressing his hand against her bosom or kissing his fingers softly and reverently , she told him that she knew and had always known that only she could make him happy , that there was already a mystical bond between them and that if she could not soon feel his arms about her and his lips upon her own , she would sink away into despair .
12 Dorothy had a brother Ray , and did not always welcome his visits with his wife Kathleen , particularly when they were accompanied by their spoilt dog Harrison .
13 We do not always put our assumptions to the test .
14 Investors do not always sell their shares for exogenous reasons irrespective of whether or not they perceive insiders to be operating in the market .
15 In the end the ECSC was still trying to integrate only one part of complex industrial economies , and could not possibly pursue its aims in isolation from other economic segments .
16 Just see to it that he does not also cast his eyes on Ana . ’
17 Such a predicament would be a cue for utter bewilderment or terror in Pynchon , whose characters can not reliably communicate their fears to anyone else but , in Sabbatical , the reaction is a joint decision : ‘ we must shorten scope on both our paranoia and our writerly sense of plot ’ ( Barth 1983 : 53 ) .
18 To worsen this travesty , the money is paid directly into an account in a bank so that employees do not even get their hands on it .
19 And who in the world would not readily sign their names to such an object ?
20 Even a user who starts a search with a specific subject in mind may find that it does not quite match his requirements after all .
21 Those who did not either put their mills to other uses or left the trade .
22 For instance , ‘ I am persuaded that a good gaoler can more easily manage his prisoners by humane attention than by severity and heavy irons ’ ( Howard 1792 : 145 ) ( writing about Maidstone County Gaol ) .
23 His all-around ability makes him undoubtedly the favourite for the overall world cup if he can once more conquer his inhibitions at high speed in downhill .
24 For though it might be claimed that such an education would help a child to see more in his immediate environment , and understand it better , yet it would also greatly diminish his chances of going beyond that environment .
25 They 'd as soon relinquish their privileges as the Seven . ’
26 So think about it , do n't just throw your hands in the air .
27 ‘ You ca n't just switch your emotions on and off like a light-switch . ’
28 and it will not in that sense make any difference to God love , make a lot of difference to you and to me , but it will not make any difference to God 's love whether we spend our eternity in heaven or in hell , he will not love those in heaven any more than he loves those who are already , who will be punished for ever in hell , because God 's love is eternal , it did n't start at Bethlehem , it did n't start at Calvary and it does n't end when you and I die , as love is eternal , so God has provided salvation for every body and he offers salvation to all who will come to him in repent and and seine fe and except his salvation , you see when the Lord Jesus Christ died upon Calvary 's cross he died to make salvation available for who , for every body , you see he did n't just lay your sins on Jesus , listen to what the old testament profit Isaiah says , there in that tremendous fifty third chapter , and , and in what it 's in verse six , all of us says the profit like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turn to his own way , but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him , whether you and I reject Jesus Christ or accept him does not alter the fact that our sin was laid on Jesus the sins are the most awful person you can think of were laid on Jesus Christ , Jesus Christ paid the sins for , for , for , for men like Hitler , he paid theirs , the price for their sins , as much as he paid the price for the sins of somebody like St Francis of Assisi So God is not partial , it 's clear from scripture that all maybe saved , he made salvation available to all in that same book of Isaiah in chapter forty five , verse twenty two , it says look unto me all the ends of the earth are being saved said the Lord , in Romans one sixteen Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God onto salvation to all who will believe , and the verse we 've already quoted John three sixty , for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that who so ever believe in him should not perish , but have ever lasting life and Paul when writing to Timothy says he gives his own personal testimony he says this is a good and a faithful saying , it 's worthy of every body accepting that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved .
29 However , we do n't just want your answers to our questions ; we also want your ideas , so please answer the final question .
30 I did n't really rate his chances of living that long .
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