Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The act may have been intended as a " final measure " by those who wished to steady things , but the flow of politics is rarely so easily contained by the comma of a constitutional concession .
2 The wicket in the west door opened silently ; he did not mark it until its weight carried it gently right back to knock against the wall .
3 But when I was there there were once one instant is er er the man on watch in the morning he spotted a floating mine come in right down to close to the rock and er er it anchored just about er er a quarter of a mile or maybe two hundred yards off the rock off the tower and er of well when a mine anchors of course it becomes er alive .
4 Yeah all right never mind about the photo give me your teddy I do n't care about that .
5 Getting your act together successfully also depends on the clothes you wear .
6 However , when approaching Cézanne after an intensive analysis of the predominantly simple , sculptural forms of tribal art , Picasso was naturally most immediately drawn to the precise , solid treatment of volumes that is found in so much of Cézanne 's portraiture and still-life painting .
7 It is perhaps most clearly reflected in the continuous , adaptive processes of the common law .
8 This kind of definition is perhaps most concisely encapsulated in the UPIAS definition , where ‘ Disability is … caused by a contemporary social organisation which takes no or little account of people who have physical impairments ’ ( Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation , 1976 , p. 4 ) .
9 The only difference was that most of them had finished long enough ago to sunbathe on the terrace , not trudging off the mountain at 9.00 o'clock .
10 For these reasons they tended to be much less closely associated with the advocacy of specific legal and penal reforms than classical criminology was .
11 And how would such an affixation cope with the evident fact that the techniques , modes of expression and performers claimed by the counterculture as their own were apparently so easily appropriated by the established music industry interests , and the music spread into every social corner and function ?
12 The technology necessary to produce films , and television and radio programs , is so much more advanced in the industrialised countries than in the LDCs , that it is frequently much simpler and cheaper to import material than to produce it in the Third World .
13 Although triticale will never replace wheat , it is a vitally important addition to the armoury needed to defeat famine , precisely because it is so much better adapted to the marginal lands on which so many of the poor and hungry live .
14 The frenzied living for ourselves which we once used to value so highly now disappears before the far more vital longing to keep company with God in faith , hope and love .
15 This factor is naturally much less pronounced in the primary school where the teacher in any case knows the child in much greater depth by virtue of living and working alongside the youngster on a daily , weekly and sometimes more than yearly basis .
16 Although it took so long finally to dispose of the machinery and tanks , other material was removed from the incline during the 1920's as uses for it were found .
17 Well may Dr Rentoul claim that the health of the woman is our greatest natural asset , that the physically and mentally healthy woman has been so ruthlessly , so brutally , so generally mercilessly exploited by the male as women …
18 These are not so much part of the ‘ inner voice ’ : in Cohen 's ( 1982 ) terms , they are perhaps more readily interpreted as the ‘ voice to the outside world ’ .
19 Mortensen ( 1933a ) considered O. fraterna to be a variety of O. bidentata apparently more commonly found in the cold water regions of the Atlantic .
20 This is by far the commonest cavity for lasers in general , but has major drawbacks from a theoretical standpoint : the standing-wave pattern greatly complicates the atomic response and can also lead to multimode operation , and time and space are much more intimately mixed in the feedback process .
21 In the school system , curricular changes were introduced gradually , but the goal was to make education not only more relevant to everyday life but much more closely tied to the world of work .
22 It is generally true that the kadi was a more " secular " figure than the mufti if only because he was much more closely tied to the state organization than was the mufti .
23 The subject-matter is much more closely related to the actual business of judicial decision-making and so to the ideology and practice of particular systems of civil procedure .
24 The wealthy nations are going to be better able to use and organise information , whose value will be very much more closely linked to the value of goods .
25 Outcome in early treated subjects with phenylketonuria is not as good as was thought just a few years ago and is much more closely associated with the quality of blood phenylalanine control at all ages than previously recognised .
26 Much more closely associated with the state than was the case in the Christian churches that owed their allegiance to Rome , Russian Orthodoxy helped to promote both a more communitarian form of politics and a feeling that Russians were a ‘ special people ’ with a particular destiny to fulfil in terms of world civilisation .
27 One important distinction between the two writers is that Bentham became much more favourably disposed towards the prison as a medium of criminal reformation than Beccaria appeared to be ( a point to which I shall return later ) .
28 The woman is much more emotionally exposed to the disappointments and false dawns .
29 Historical evidence shows that the so-called " present " tense could formerly be used much more freely to refer to the future than is now the case .
30 Because private-pension wealth is much more widely spread across the population than are realizable assets , and state-pension wealth is divided among all citizens , the inclusion of these two additional types of assets in a calculation of wealth distribution changes the overall picture drastically .
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