Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 There has got to be some genuine changes in our erm willingness to work hard at our family life and not to give in easily at the challenges that so often break our homes up .
2 of total local authority revenue and people on higher incomes will contribute to local authority expenditure much more through the taxes that they pay .
3 Eventually , after two or three weeks , he has moved so close to the females that he virtually touches them .
4 How regrettable it is that so often in the marriages that we come across , those are the only promises that seem to be made , and the only mention of God within the family .
5 Er we 've done the same for Renault Trucks in northern France and in Dunstable , brought , brought the unions together simply through the contacts that we 've made here in Portsmouth .
6 Down the other side the coureurs go so fast through the hairpins that team cars ca n't follow .
7 Just as the notion of civil rights has not been fixed in its eighteenth-century formulation but has undergone continuing expansion , so too with the rights that go with academic freedom .
8 Noise had become Ariel 's lot : she , who had lifted her feet and put them down again so quietly on the slopes that birds did not stir at her passing , was used to hearing a single song in her head at any one time .
9 Listening is much more than hearing ; it is an active process whereby the listener attends exclusively to the speaker , not only to the words that he is speaking .
10 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
11 But it is not only through the sacraments that the Spirit assures us we belong to Christ .
12 Why then are there not more amateur productions in the new season erm in in the studio erm not just from the companies that actually use the studio at the moment .
13 The utmost importance was attached to the rituals and paraphernalia of government and not least to the artefacts that made visually explicit the status of the leading actors .
14 And yet in this area , too , Karajan has been subject to rebarbative questioning and criticism , not least on the grounds that an interest in technology is somehow incompatible with a man 's credibility as a performing musician .
15 BA argued that it needed to acquire its smaller rival in order to be able to compete more effectively with the mega-airlines that had emerged , particularly in the US , during the previous two years .
16 In general respectability was achieved and the consequence of that was that the movies had moved somewhat decisively away from the masses that had helped to create the industry .
17 This ‘ new thinking ’ in Soviet foreign policy was set out more fully over the months that followed .
18 Pearson 's enforced demotion within his own company , and the distaste shown by his partners for experiments that veered too sharply away from the comedies that had established Welsh-Pearson 's reputation , is generally taken as evidence of the conservatism inherent in the film industry .
19 It may be significant that , as I have sat here throughout the debate , riveted as ever to the contributions that have been made , I have noticed no more than three Labour Members present at any point .
20 Chalais and Aubeterre figure at least once in the Cantos that Pound has written more recently .
21 ‘ What are you doing ? ’ he shrieked , twisting about madly on the ropes that suspended him .
22 In entertainment I 'd think the reduc cost reductions there were pretty well , er restricted to good housekeeping , but from fine china er , we managed to transfer the , the er , work in the Minton factory to the Knowle Street factory and that allowed us to close the Minton factory and quite apart from the redundancies that entailed , we saved something like two hundred and fifty thousand er , non staff related overhead .
23 We have n't got enough Nice to get some work started on the eighth floor because of the different activities But then again with the activities that are carrying on on the seventh floor we ca n't By the time we get round to the ninth pretty desperate .
24 ( Two hundred years earlier , as she demonstrates in her article , it was not seen as arbitrary , but prescribed quite explicitly on the grounds that the masculine was the ‘ worthier gender ’ and must take precedence in grammar as it did in nature . )
25 As you will see , definitions of this type fit very badly with the institutions that I shall presently describe .
26 The content of these remarks she could guess all too easily from the pin-ups that were displayed on walls and pillars everywhere , pages torn from soft-porn magazines depicting glossy-lipped naked women with bulging breasts and buttocks , pouting and posturing indecently .
27 Fgf-4 RNA is localized to the posterior half of the AER , and the affinity of FGF-4 protein for extracellular matrix components presumably prevents it from diffusing very far from the cells that secrete it .
28 The Japanese know only too well of the dangers that can be posed by Hong Kong 's ‘ expatriate ’ rugby community in their bid to tread the same path for the next World Cup .
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