Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But do n't be misled , the book will most assuredly sink in a hot tub .
2 Takamine have long since featured in the upper echelon of electro-acoustic manufacturers and this guitar enters the range in the mid to upper price bracket .
3 He seemed to have got so immovably entrenched in the short trouser stage of life that nothing could ever arouse him to a sense of adult realities .
4 It is not clear why the motives of the White Paper of 1943 , the intentions of the inspectorate and the hopes of educational reformers were so little heeded in the specific detail of selection .
5 The old sadness of the pagan world , so poignantly depicted in the early chapters of Walter Pater 's Marius the Epicurean , had returned .
6 They will treat the mining industry and the country in a responsible way and will maintain reserves of fuel which the country so badly needs in the medium and long term .
7 Home video shows him enjoying a family Christmas but detectives believe he did n't live long enough to see in the New Year .
8 The trade union rates so jealously guarded in the inter-war period by the Association became little more than the minimum wage of the 1950s , producing salaries insufficient to attract the ambitious tour operator and dynamic advertising manager and leading in turn to a failure to compete effectively .
9 This factor is naturally much less pronounced in the primary school where the teacher in any case knows the child in much greater depth by virtue of living and working alongside the youngster on a daily , weekly and sometimes more than yearly basis .
10 Perhaps much learning in the natural sciences , in the medical sciences and in technology is like this .
11 Ownership was somewhat less concentrated in the Low Country .
12 Too much sun , for example helps trigger the premature bolting to seed of some crops in summer , which is one reason why later sowings of radishes , salads or spinach are much better situated in a cool , shady bed .
13 Lovegrove , 33 , is one of the handful of industrial designers who are so highly regarded in the international arena that they can win commissions from Hermés , one of France 's most famous luxury goods groups .
14 If conventionalism were so single-mindedly practised in a particular jurisdiction and so often announced and confirmed by public institutions that people were thereby entitled to rely on that style of adjudication , of course it would be unfair for some judge suddenly to abandon it .
15 Austria and the Sudetenland within six months represented the triumph of those methods of political warfare which Hitler had so sedulously applied in the past five years .
16 There on either side of the River Leam , lie the wonderfully pre-served sites of the deserted villages of Braunstonbury and Wolfhamcote both apparently finally abandoned in the sixteenth century , together with the latter 's tiny church .
17 The system is made up of successive layers of compatible and co-active materials , perhaps best described in the following dual terms :
18 It had all just happened in the random way things do .
19 Swaggering is obviously best done in the full-length format , but tempered by the ‘ unique British context of compromise , Protestant seriousness and distrust of display ’ , as Wilton says in his eloquent introduction to the catalogue ( Tate Gallery Publications ) .
20 As representatives of the sovereign nation whose king was a captive in Talleyrand 's chateau , the patriots claimed to supplant the structure of the ancien régime that had so signally failed in the supreme test of patriotism .
21 There is a summary , your proof , your appendices , there 's a letter dated the fourth of February from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust , there is a special statement , and last , and only just received in the last few minutes , there is a supplementary note by Doctor on the Greater Crested Newt and its importance in relation to Skelton Pond .
22 Freddie did not manage to keep us in the Cup against the powerful Rangers outfit but , usually playing at centre-forward , he steadily repaid that fee several times over during the first five post-war seasons , for not only has his tally of 48 League goals only been exceeded by six players here at The Palace since then , but his goals were scored in struggling Palace teams , which only once finished in the upper half of the League table .
23 Hence the " attraction " of the field lines is much more pronounced in the magnetic case .
24 Much more appears in the same vein ; but Temple is at his most eloquent in describing the qualifications of the successful Resident .
25 The technology necessary to produce films , and television and radio programs , is so much more advanced in the industrialised countries than in the LDCs , that it is frequently much simpler and cheaper to import material than to produce it in the Third World .
26 The subtle differences have brought a strength and depth of study to the discipline of building surveying and created the sense of identity so palpably missing in the 1960s .
27 With hindsight , it would have better still to lock in a few more gains .
28 We begin to see why , as Scraton and Chadwick ( 1987 ) remind us , sexism , racism and class hatred are so deeply institutionalised in the British State .
29 These modes of thought are so deeply embedded in the collective conscious that ten years after the amalgamations , when the chief constable ( from the south ) replaced the flat cap with helmets , a number of ex-city men could not discuss the impending change without exhibiting distress and described this event as being something of an Armageddon , even though the expensive guard-style cap of the pre-amalgamation days had long since given way to what was always derided as ‘ a cheap and nasty alternative ’ .
30 The simple consequence is that , being so deeply buried in the human unconscious , any attempt to uncover the repressed foundations of our social life is bound to encounter severe resistances , especially in the minds of those who have convinced themselves that there is no psychic trauma at the origin of human society and no painful consequences of it hidden within every one of us .
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