Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bradl has a 150-strong fan club , who most importantly supported him in the early stages of his career .
2 Such places always have a high status in the local settlement hierarchy and frequently occupy a central position geographically ; they most obviously manifest themselves in the form of towns and cities .
3 No one of the theories we have set down is all wrong , any more than any one perspective is all right so providing us with a single key to " explain " British politics .
4 In effect , since socialisation is present as part of all social relationships , whether the parties to the relationship are aware of it or not , it is clear that it is a much more subtle , complex and pervasive process than it might at first appear and that we can only properly understand it as an aspect of all human activity .
5 He grew morose after that and growled at the customers , it seems — so most took themselves to the next village for their ale .
6 ‘ They 're all right to take me to the pictures , ’ she said .
7 Cassie wondered hazily whether in Johnny 's book it would be considered all right to force himself on the other sort of girl , whoever she may be !
8 All these systems dealt with the problem of how to dispose of stock when , as Day 's library so elegantly put it on the slip , ‘ the first demand for the book has abated ’ .
9 Clutterbuck ceased to work the mill during the latter half of the 1840s , for by 1847 it had been leased to a paper-maker , Frederick Wiggins , who apparently only operated it for a few years .
10 But long enough to learn something about the man .
11 Heady stuff , and to reject it outright with a condescending intellectual leer would have felt like a return trip down the chute into futility ; but now , with the radio offering a bleaker view of things , I was less certain why I 'd agreed so eagerly to meet him in the library of the Hall this morning .
12 These are waters which do not , as a rule , produce big bream , for with so many mouths to share the available food there is only enough to maintain them at a low body weight .
13 Andrew Jean on top , Cheeks squealing , So Long rocking her to a cataclysmax .
14 So just treat it like a Sunday .
15 So just watch it after the first dose that evening , if you g Especially if you get out of bed to have a wee .
16 He 'd much sooner keep it in an old pair of tights . ’
17 I 'd much sooner guard it from the inside , ’ he grinned .
18 Well I only just heard it on the news .
19 ‘ You 've only just made it before the final melt . ’
20 It might not be as easy as plotting Vologsky 's defection — and Kirov had only just reminded himself of a few of the terrors which he could face if he failed .
21 ‘ That 's all very well , but Chamberlain 's only just told us on the wireless that the war 's begun . ’
22 I 've only just got it in the washing machine .
23 The attack happened 2 weeks ago , but the victim was so distressed she has only just reported it to the police .
24 Well I 'd only just brought it in the kitchen actually .
25 And with her jealousy came anger that he could so easily hold her in a close embrace while he still had Doreen in his system .
26 There was something alarming in the way an eleven-year-old girl - or ‘ nearly twelve ’ as she kept saying — could so easily comport herself among a press of adults .
27 But one can ask why Adorno did not investigate the origins of swing before so quickly assimilating it to the prevailing Tin Pan Alley dance-band style .
28 He obviously still took us for a couple holidaying together , and his embarrassment at intruding took the form of ignoring my presence .
29 Although I was not fortunate enough ever to see him in the flesh , I suggest that his picture should be tattooed on the brain of every aspiring judge .
30 Back home you only ever saw one at a time .
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