Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] and [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So me and the other girl left that evening to go to work .
2 No that 's , that 's , that 's basically it and the other points that you 've covered of course .
3 At nine o'clock he and the transient education officer were still sitting in the ante-room reading old copies of Country Life when the mess sergeant came in to say Mr Sims was on the phone .
4 Rokeya 's flat was so precisely as Lee remembered it that she felt as if no time had passed between the last time she had been inside it and the present day .
5 I suppose it 's just you and the old man ? ’
6 A meeting spot of note for lovers , but they , those lovers , were all gone now ; just her and the closing night , the street lights on and a soft rain falling .
7 Just us and a dusty bed .
8 There would be no difficulty in principle both in improving the theory tests and in extending both them and the practical tests so as to include , for example , score-reading and harmonization at the keyboard , aspects of the university courses in music which many students now find very difficult indeed .
9 At a lunch and presentation event at Speke Community Comprehensive School , Compact director Mike McCann told businesses that the partnership paid dividends for both them and the young people involved .
10 It perpetuates the loneliness of the single mother , since both she and a male friend will be cautions of continuing a relationship that can be turned into a financial arrangement on the whim of a civil servant .
11 If both you and the other person can find something to laugh about together it paves the way for a harmonious transaction .
12 In his view ‘ to be accurate one must say ‘ non-aligned ’ state' since ‘ both we and the Afghan leadership proceed from the premise that Afghanistan should be a non-aligned state ’ .
13 Drivers themselves can not take the initiative since they can do nothing to relieve towns and cities of the extraordinarily wasteful and environmentally distasteful conditions which both they and the general public have to tolerate every day .
14 Both they and the Labour party are calling for an immediate change in the law to allow them to sell second-hand toys as before .
15 ( 1986 ) discovered that parents understood and expected care to mean residential care , and that both they and the young people were cautiously optimistic that some good would come from the admission .
16 Both they and the Jewish establishment argued that the best way to fight fascism was to eliminate the festering sores allegedly caused by some Jewish elements , by exhorting the whole community to adopt behaviour patterns which would give no grounds for offence .
17 He had a mistress , you know , a fat , dumpy , little thing , though Wolsey adored both her and the illegitimate children he had by her . )
18 General Orsborn recognised both him and the young Australian who had given him such a memorable welcome to her homeland .
19 The Party Secretariat ceased to have ministerial status , but , in reality , both it and the vast bureaucracy it controlled continued to function exactly as before .
20 Both it and the original engine are now displayed in the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum .
21 But Mr. de Lacy submits that both it and the previous cases which it applied are clearly distinguishable from the instant case because they all rested upon the critical circumstances that the lender or creditor in each case left it to the principal debtor to obtain , in such a way as he thought fit , the execution of the document .
22 But both he and the young lord had been carried off by smallpox , leaving this estranged son of the deceased youngest brother to inherit .
23 I can give him the assurance that both he and the local authority in his constituency will have ample opportunity to express their views on how best to design the line to reduce the environmental impact .
24 Have n't we and the whole family done everything for you ? "
25 Since then he and the other customers have had to gather in a renovated shed .
26 He told the coroner how he and a local farmer struggled to pull two people from the burning Metro .
27 Afterwards , Mr Stone recalled the days when he and the teenage John Major would hit the hustings .
28 He told Corbett to sit on a bench and went back to where he and a young man , a villein from the village , were poring over a great leatherbound book open on the table .
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