Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] have [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How has it been for yourself , obviously you 've been here with your children , your husband 's been away for more than a month , in Iraq , there must have been er terrible thoughts going through you mind at certain times ?
2 Perhaps it had been all in her imagination , fuelled by her own desires .
3 She said she sometimes longed to go out , to a disco or an amusement arcade and be with other girls , but her uncle was strict and did n't like her going to those places , and although she was sometimes lonely she could n't stand the thought of going back to that school , especially now she had been away from it for so long because anyway her friends would n't be there any more and she would be treated like a little girl and the things they had to do would seem more stupid than ever because in her uncle s house she was treated like a grown-up , which she was anyway , and she ran the house .
4 It was a place he rarely went , and now he had been twice in twenty-four hours ; last night with Benny , and tonight because he was so late and fussed getting back from his useless journey to Dublin .
5 While originally he had been fully in support of the Arusha Declaration and allied policies , later he began to attack the Government from London .
6 Well it 's been there for the past two weeks but now he 's gone to l get a house .
7 but erm yes the garden 's alright but then they 've been there in the garden all the winter as well
8 Ever since then he has been solidly in the ranks of the anti-Establishment , commenting in his work on the political evils of the day particularly the arms buildup of recent years .
9 which is when you 've been there for a for genuinely over an hour and a half .
10 You see , what it is , it 's where they 've been behind with their mortgage , we will pay a slightly higher rate , but it 's only
11 The inclusion of the word " reasonably " gives the court a discretion which will be exercised in the tenant 's favour where for example he has made one or two late payments of rent , but not where he has been persistently in arrear throughout the term ( Bassett v Whiteley ( 1982 ) 54 P & CR 87 ) .
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