Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] have [be] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just even I 've been for a wee !
2 Surely they 've been for the last four years and they must or do they just keep it at eighty one then they go to ninety ?
3 It was how it had been for the past two weeks and the young woman tried to ignore her protesting muscles and her aching back as she stared into the hearth and watched the tiny flames flickering in and out of the carefully banked-up grate .
4 then that and he just bring me pack of cards you know er but er that 's how it 's been for a while you know if I thought well being a sh that that 's now we 've done it it 's a pity we 've not got , mind you I mean it can go potty again in a few years .
5 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
6 ‘ Ethel turned me into a frog and that 's where I 've been for the last day , and it was her fault .
7 ‘ I took it up as a form of exercise in Germany , where I 've been for the past two years , ’ he said yesterday .
8 Agnes , tanned , huge , all beads and bright caftan , determined to give birth in the lotus position ( in which she claimed the child had been conceived ) while going ‘ Om ’ , refused to answer any of my father 's questions about where she had been for the three years and who she had been with .
9 That 's where we 've been for the last twenty years so erm this company er that was already doing it and we bought it into the er into the fold .
10 I do not know where he has been for the past few years , but we have reduced the rates on lower earnings so that people now pay on average about £3 a week less in national insurance .
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