Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , right I went in the playground .
2 After the phone went down I sat in the garden like a very old terracotta gargoyle .
3 the end of the last straw you see , so I went in the Co-Op and I felt really , really fed up , I said I oh I said I could cry I said because I 've tried so hard I said not for lending you money I said , I 'm not meant to have any sodding luck so got a couple of bits and I really could n't get me act together and on the Tuesday dad 's gone in hospital with that fit , so I was thinking of him a lot and I thought I do n't know dad , you know I 'm sure , I 'm sure that he were n't gon na come out when he went in there , I thought they were gon na bloody find something with you boy and that would be it , so I come home here and I ai n't done no work , so I started off for work , both sitting here bloody bawling cos this house looked like shit , spoke to me sister on the phone and er I felt a bit better so I thought oh I 'd start doing the tree , so I pulled it all to bits in here , got the polish and duster out , put all the bread and everything for Alan 's sandwiches , it 'd be about oh , about half past twelve and the bloody phone went it was mum , she said Lyn do you think you can come up to the hospital with me , cos I 've got no transport and so I said what 's up then mum ?
4 So I bunked in the toilet window and I could n't believe it !
5 So I left in the Bank Holiday and er I went to work at er , the first job , me father worked there .
6 And I still stood there so I got in the car and wrote the number down .
7 So I lay in the dinghy for a few minutes , to recover myself , and think .
8 It 's all to do with the C.O. He wanted to court-martial me , only I heard them trying to find me so I hid in the latrines and I do n't know what happened in the end .
9 But so I sat in the Barbican up up at the around at the same level as the Royal Festival .
10 The fat seemed to heat up more rapidly than she expected so she put in the steak and a great sizzling and searing went on and the air became full of blue smoke .
11 So she stayed in the back .
12 Mechanically she looked in the mirror .
13 For last year 's service we drew up a plan and then wrote a personal letter from the laity group to all the Churches , emphasising how much we believed in the power of praying together for Unity .
14 ‘ So when Gustav Eismark came to the Secretariat , ’ Sims went on , ‘ naturally we looked in the files about him .
15 So we went in the door , and just sort of said , yeah we had , we 'd kept it ages had n't we ?
16 So we sat in the swimming pool in Reykjavik knowing that outside we had all the food , all the clothing , the skis , the chutes .
17 In one key experiment , for example , we trained over a hundred birds , measuring their imprinting preference score and motor activity ( that is , how much they ran in the wheels ) as well as RNA synthesis .
18 For how long they operated in the Coniston Fells is not known .
19 So they lived in the world before we became a people . ’
20 So they lived in the house
21 There 's a chap er at our called Bill who claims that he got one one year before that but he ca n't prove it to us , er apparently he read in the Readers Digest of Neighbourhood Watch schemes in America and set one up himself in his own little area .
22 In the past I 'd just resented how long he spent in the office .
23 I thought he felt the same about me ; perhaps he did in the beginning .
24 When , a long time ago now , Stephen had tried to call him Dad or Father and drop the babyish name , he had shouted that Stephen was all he had in the world and could n't he have a little bit of kindness and call him by the one name that meant something ?
25 So he sang in the C of E Church , Church of England ?
26 So me mam says so he went in the house and says his , his wife 's name , he said , give me a pencil and paper .
27 Away she went in the VW , leaving the gentlemen of the press behind .
28 Her mind was taken up with puzzling over a fact which had become increasingly clear the longer she stayed in the apartment .
29 Finally we sat in the hide open to the general public and looked out over the wide expanse of water at Low Ellers .
30 Nevertheless we saw in the context of rotating Couette flow ( Section 17.5 ) that there are some cases ( summarized by curve A of Fig. 17.6 ) for which there are marked similarities between the unstable modes and the observed motion when the critical condition is just exceeded .
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