Example sentences of "[adv] [noun pl] were [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Faced with that dilemma the plaintiffs chose to endeavour to run the business to an early sale and that is what they did my Lord and er the premises were put back on the market er in the early part of nineteen eighty six and er it is pleaded that er in in paragraph six statement of claim , that in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead er because there were unreasonable delays on the part of the purchaser erm and er the deal fell through but then again in July er after the business had ceased trading , another buyer was found and then there was a lengthy period of negotiations at the conclusion of which the sale price was reduced because at that stage the plaintiff 's landlord was going to increase the rent er and the plaintiffs were at that stage under threat of forfeiture and eventually contracts were exchanged on the sixth of November nineteen eighty six the sale price being eighty one thousand five hundred and er completion was on the fifth of December nineteen eighty six .
2 Perhaps memories were carried by the very macromolecules themselves ?
3 Four yemery trees shaded the cabin and a dozen or so pines were scattered across the upper slope .
4 Meanwhile plans were made for a visit to Italy .
5 Meanwhile rumours were circulating about a secret Church of England report on lesbians and gays .
6 But to say that the half-yearly payments were to continue till the whole sum of £2,090 19s. , ‘ and interest thereon , ’ should have been fully paid and satisfied , would be to introduce very important words into the agreement which are not there , and of which I can not say that they are necessarily implied .
7 A training class for teachers started in 1939 but further developments were curtailed by the war , and plans to open a Medau Training College in England had to be abandoned .
8 By 5,000BC men were living along the coast ; they hunted and gathered mussels .
9 Yesterday receivers were appointed to the breweries .
10 The language and rituals of the chapel were , as we have seen , so uncompromisingly masculine that it would have seemed impossible for printing-house life to be the same again once women were admitted to the craft .
11 Still others were engaged in the supply of basics like food , housing and clothing , or in carrying .
12 Still others were suggested by a casual reading of someone else 's research paper in the train home one evening , or by a talk heard almost by chance at a conference .
13 Registration of rents is to be abolished ( formerly rents were registered with the rent officer ) .
14 On March 24 a soldier was shot and seriously wounded at an otherwise peaceful demonstration by Islamic students in Makulla , east of Aden , and two days later counter-demonstrations were organized in the town , attended by several thousand people .
15 Last night both men were clinging to the vain hope of salvaging their jobs and refused to comment before today 's hearing .
16 In March 1991 both children were put on the child protection register , E. because of physical abuse and C. because of suspicion of physical abuse .
17 Probably doors were closed in the past .
18 For now Aristotelians were faced with the same problem with respect to Jupiter and its moons .
19 I say this because a few days ago Spurs were linked with a different ( Swedish ) defender , so may have pulled out any interest .
20 The precise criteria and procedures whereby schools were included in the project are discussed at length elsewhere in this report , but we may note that a set of guidelines for school participation was drawn up and developed by the Project Coordinating Team ( see Appendix 3 ) and that these gave direction to schools as they established library committees and developed their plans .
21 Here guests were greeted by the Chairman of the British Branch of the organisation Mr Tim Hart and Mrs Hart ; they are the proprietors of the superb Hambleton Hall on Rutland Water ; Mr and Mrs Martin Skan , owners of the Chewton Glen Hotel , in Hampshire ; and a director and the general manager of Claridge 's Mr Ronald Jones , who was delighted that Claridge 's had been elected a new member with the top award of a purple shield , denoting the splendour of a palace , with exceptional service .
22 Even maggots were rationed by the dealers .
23 Barely a year ago investors were swarming around the airline business like bees around a honeypot ; airlines were forging grand global alliances .
24 What is perhaps most remarkable about this grassland is that it is only maintained under active management even rabbits were introduced by the Normans and , although it resembles some periglacial assemblages of plants , it must have been reconstituted after the forest maximum unless there were extensive grazed glades in that period .
25 Moreover , the economic cleavage that was perceived to be developing in this society did appear to correspond to the religious tensions that were generating party strife , and to anxious High Church Tories seemed to be yet another part of the process whereby Dissenters were thriving in the changed political climate after the Revolution at the expense of the Anglican interest .
26 Three years ago riots were sparked by a ludicrous tale that Christians had used American-designed spray guns to stain Muslim women 's clothing with indelible crosses .
27 But presumably men were comforted in the same way , so why are they , unlike women , unable to pass it on ?
28 With Queipo de Llano in direct command of the Army of the South , Franco retained supreme control over the Nationalist forces , but was not directly in charge of how operations were handled on the ground .
29 However , this was not how matters were understood at the time .
30 Personality was rarely mentioned explicitly , but sometimes comparisons were made with the person 's self and aspects of conversation were sometimes described .
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