Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] in by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I persuaded a friend of mine to visit the summit one evening and he was so taken in by the view that he stepped back from the trig point and disappeared over the edge of the crag that crowns the top .
2 But Britain will be able to keep its rebate on contributions to the EC — allowing us to claw back £2 billion of the £4.5 billion annually paid in by the Treasury .
3 Best bought in by the load , it becomes expensive when stacked , composted , mixed with a little poultry , bagged up and given a fancy proprietary name .
4 Even if the loan is not called in by the investors , there are likely to be other implications .
5 This power can be exercised only in cases where the application is not called in by the secretary of state himself .
6 Somewhat surprising is the fact that the longest hours are not put in by the women with the largest number of children .
7 The finale includes a cunningly constructed canon during which Ferrando , still heartbroken , at first refuses to take part , until he is gradually drawn in by the others .
8 The unfair element is that the AFBD has been obliged to extricate itself from a CFTC hole largely dug by the Securities and Investments Board and imperfectly filled in by the Department of Trade and Industry .
9 These have been partly filled in by the composer himself , but though the extra music written for Act 1 in the 1693 revival is included , neither ‘ When I have often heard ’ nor ‘ O let me weep ’ [ the famous Plaint ] … is to be found in it .
10 News of the Romans and the pending invasion was probably brought in by the merchants .
11 Richard 's second victim , Clarence , is also taken in by the hypocrite 's feigned concern , but since the real plot against him has been done through intermediaries he may seem less blameworthy .
12 Further upstream , now hemmed in by the Newent bypass and the sewage works , almost cowering under the bypass bridge , in Cleeve Mill lane , stands Cleeve Mill .
13 Both the car and the trailer were badly damaged , but because the glider was securely held in by the fittings , it survived the trailer going over on to its side without damage .
14 In an inner room , beyond the typewriter cubicle , was a small cavern constructed of filing cabinets , inhabited by Dr Beatrice Nest , almost bricked in by the boxes containing the diary and correspondence of Ellen Ash .
15 He was then reeled in by the Frenchman , a three-times champion who now has a record 48 victories to his name while Hill has raced in only nine Grands Prix .
16 Though the thermal establishment itself is quite stately , in the normal style of these amenities , the village is tightly shut in by the mountains on either side and is not much more than a ribbon of dark houses strung out along the main road .
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