Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] up in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Key members accused the MPs of being so caught up in the technical arguments and the prospect of winning one concession from the Government after a barren frustrating decade that they lost sight of the big picture .
2 Martha 's school dress and books , her one skirt , two blouses and handful of frayed underwear were swiftly parcelled up in the coarse paper Nana used in the shop .
3 Australia 's Great Barrier Reef ( below left ) consists of thousands of coral islands , stretched along the entire coast of Queensland ; yet it has all grown up in the past 9000 years .
4 Hitherto she had been so tied up in the day-to-day mechanics of the company that she was often forced to consider time for research as a luxury .
5 The Governors ' commitment to the new scientific revolution is perhaps summed up in the concluding paragraph of the Minutes :
6 I have the feeling that if oil supplies were somehow caught up in the Yugoslavian position , an armed intervention force would already be in that country .
7 Wordsworth 's changing of sides has always laid him open to this sort of comment ; later generations of poets regarded him as a moral coward or a fallen idol , attitudes best summed up in the first stanza of Robert Browning 's poem The Lost Leader :
8 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
9 So it seems that the weakening of the trade winds allowed more surface water normally piled up in the western Pacific to flow back eastwards across the ocean .
10 Bath also had a resident gem-cutter , whose collection of 34 unmounted intaglios somehow ended up in the main drain carrying the overflow from the reservoir housing the hot spring .
11 The audience settled quickly after the interval and was soon once more caught up in the mounting dramatic tension of The Hooded Owl .
12 While some associated with it tend to pose in sunglasses or growl into walkie-talkies and get totally caught up in the three-day whirl that has nothing to do with the real world , the contest , over the years , has given joy , drama and emotion .
13 James 's private quarrel with William now became irretrievably caught up in the greater feud between England and France .
14 Let us say that , although not trapped in a fight for survival , we are all still caught up in the ordinary competitiveness of business , social gamesmanship , and marriage .
15 In the past , a notice was usually put up in the local police station .
16 And as for those alter-egos , his trade name ‘ Samuel Northcliffe ’ still cropped up in the financial and marketing press .
17 ‘ But to suggest that coincidentally this recording , made just a fortnight earlier , was also picked up in the same way does stretch one 's credibility . ’
18 Sociology , for what little that is worth , was primarily associated with France and Britain , and enthusiastically taken up in the Latin world .
19 vol 96. p 41 8 ) has now turned up in the normal as well as the tumour tissues of a bladder cancer patient .
20 I was so excited , I had to fax a friend of mine , who is really wrapped up in the Royal Family , saying : ‘ Guess who I met ? ’
21 Although I was n't brought up in the Jewish faith — my mother would n't hear of it — he still passed on to me all those standards that were part of his own upbringing and would never tolerate what he from time to time described as my ‘ unacceptable behaviour ’ .
22 Er children are n't brought up in the same maternal way as they are in in this country , and many other countries .
23 This view of community education and development is well summed up in the first Gulbenkian Report on Community Work .
24 William Beveridge , the author of the famous report on National Insurance , was himself a Liberal , not a Socialist , and his ideas were widely taken up in the Tory Party .
25 The reason why there is so little progress is horribly tangled up in the overall failure of Italy 's public life , a failure which is arousing mounting concern among her EC partners .
26 Anyway , as you know , we were almost brought up in the same bassinet , and , as I made out to Mama just a short while ago , if Isobel had to choose between the horse and me , the horse would come out best . ’
27 However , there is still evidence of a lack of deals in Scotland as the standard deals of under £10 million — from family succession , rationalisation , privatisation or insolvency — have virtually dried up in the past two years .
28 If they are right , this spares them the refusal which would have otherwise shown up in the main survey as reported difficulty in getting credit .
29 The campaign showed few issues and , with the Conservatives overwhelmingly backed up in the popular press , was wholly one-sided .
30 I think he was certainly mixed up in the beastly business of getting into England some of those unhappy Asians who pay through the nose either because they 're desperate to join relatives , or because they think they can find work here .
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