Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] from [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The views of prominent members here are best expressed in a motion originating from Wickham Bishops branch , passed at the Essex Federation AGM in May 1957 , considered by the District Executive in the following month but eventually withdrawn from the agenda of the subsequent District Council :
2 Industrial policy was effectively hijacked from the Department of Industry to No. 10 and the Cabinet 's Public Enterprise Committee , which produced the 1974 White Paper on the Regeneration of Industry with its watered-down National Enterprise Board and voluntary planning agreements .
3 When Greg returned with the snowball , Margaret Seymour-Strachey had shifted her position so as to be better shielded from the rest of the Saloon Bar , and it was clear that she had not managed to get control over herself , for she was now sobbing away quietly .
4 I consider that all those methods of presence or representation in the territory of the flag member state are not only justified from the point of view of the Community system of fishing quotas , but they are also indissociable from the actual exercise of the right of establishment in the sea fishing sector .
5 We may infer that Nietzsche , although now somewhat distanced from the detail of Schopenhauer 's doctrines , had shortened the distance under the stimulus of Wagner 's interest in the philosophy of music .
6 Also being treated is a twenty-one year old woman who was travelling in the stolen car , and was apparently carried from the scene of the accident by the car 's driver .
7 Imrich Andrejcak , the Federal Defence Minister , was inadvertently omitted from the list of the federal government as sworn in on July 2 .
8 Imrich Andrejcak , the Federal Defence Minister , was inadvertently omitted from the list of the federal government as sworn in on July 2 .
9 Electrical fittings , apparently lifted from the set of Terry Gillam 's Brazil , fizzed in gloomy corners .
10 But how could the Templars , operating in the early twelfth century , have acquired such familiarity with a cryptographic system dating from a thousand years before , whose practitioners had apparently long vanished from the stage of history ?
11 It is exactly as the explorer 's biographer predicted it would be : 1,800 feet high , half-covered with jungle , a little way off the trans-Isthmian Indian tracks and somewhat detached from the rest of the Sierra — an outlier , distinct and somewhat aloof .
12 But yes , erm it , it 's partly sediment brought down from inland , it 's also the fact that you have offshore of Rye the area of Winchelsea Beach and so-called Rye Harbour which is somewhat detached from the town of Rye , and there 's been an enormous accumulation of shingle there , so that the Castle , which was built in , that 's Camber Castle which was built in the reign of Henry the Eighth , since that time the shoreline at Winchelsea Beach , as a result of the accumulation of shingle , has moved in excess of one point five kilometres seaward of that point , and so obviously erm Rye is now much further inland than it was at that time .
13 A sample of nine practices was randomly selected from a list of fundholders stratified by the nine family health services authority areas in the Northern region .
14 The pairs of names used for each application were randomly selected from the panel of three Asian and English applicants .
15 The most famous brownie was a swiss house-spirit called Jack O'Bowl , so named from the custom of placing a bowl of fresh , sweet cream outside the cow byre every evening , for , by morning , the bowl would be empty .
16 Glasshouse car 121 , so named from the number of windows , was one of several converted from open-sided cars by the Corporation in 1920 , to provide more saloon cars on the Fleetwood route .
17 Services for people who drink alcohol to excess or who misuse drugs have long suffered from a lack of clarity about what the exact nature of the problem is .
18 What we do find , however , is that women 's work is not so divorced from the work of men as it becomes in later times .
19 In the end , picketing was much reduced from the summer of 1977 .
20 Terence Davies has apparently emerged from the representation of his social origins smelling of Art , and it is this very concept which mainstream criticism just can not get enough of , for at its best ( its most effective ) it denies the social world at the very moment that it represents it .
21 There was an unmistakable hint of cynicism in Cowley 's expression as these facts were reeled off , all deduced from a sample of scrawled writing .
22 These examples may seem to be somewhat removed from the experience of a child who has grown up in an inner-city slum .
23 After the war ended he found himself a completely free agent , suddenly removed from the safety of neutral Switzerland ; he was shaken , disturbed ; his true self was born .
24 What we do know is that pre-emption means that no fewer than half the power stations ' fuel markets in England and Wales are entirely removed from the danger of competition .
25 Even Abraham Farrar , pointed out by oralists as the most exalted example of their method of teaching , showed concern that oralism was being carried to too great an extreme at the expense of education but this concern fell on ‘ deaf ’ ears of those in teaching establishments though perhaps not that of Dr. Eichholz the Government inspector for the overseeing of deaf education , as the two extracts opposite taken from the logbook of the Hugh Bell School , Middlesbrough , show .
26 On the contrary , it had only resulted from a number of complex and unforeseeable political developments at court .
27 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
28 By necessity and by choice the Jews were a race apart , the only group entirely segregated from the rest of the community .
29 for instance , in May 1987 it found John Craven of phoenix Securities to be the new chief executive of Morgan Grenfell , another assignment on behalf of Sir Peter Carey , who has since moved from the Department of Trade to become chairman of this major merchant bank .
30 The earliest steam-pumps of Thomas Newcomen and others in the eighteenth century were not erected from the kind of detailed and accurate drawings customary by the nineteenth .
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