Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] at the [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Er no I think it wa I think it was our , our mistake er , there was there were sixteen of us there and seven of us had sort of clubbed together looked at the menu and it 's it 's fifteen ninety five , to , the rich main course banquet
2 First , they cleared away the living grasses that valiantly pushed at the surface and then the dried stuff from the previous year .
3 Holding the cow 's tail he leaned on the hairy back and , empty-eyed , blew smoke from the pipe which like most farmers at a cleansing he had prudently lit at the outset And of course , since the going was heavy , it just would happen that the job took much longer than usual .
4 Long hair has been gently backcombed at the crown and softly curled for a natural effect .
5 Given any example of a classic scientific theory , whether at the time of its first proposal or at a later date , it is possible to find observational claims that were generally accepted at the time and were considered to be inconsistent with the theory .
6 It was not held , and the decision does not involve , that when a body of trustees receive income of the trust estate not taxed at the source and proceed to distribute it among beneficiaries , they are not assessable to Income Tax and are bound to pay over the income to the beneficiaries without deduction , leaving it to the Revenue to pursue the beneficiaries .
7 An exhibition 's already started at the library and tomorrow evening , a Vera Lynn look-alike and a sound-alike will be visiting the library with a fifty piece band .
8 As the stories are presented , the timeless Paradise is always placed at the beginning and the time-bound here-and-now at the end , though in some versions , as in Christianity , there is also a vision of an eschatological future when mankind , redeemed , will once again get back to the Paradisal beginning .
9 The shroud is usually knotted at the head and feet , and sufficiently open to expose the breast and knees of the deceased .
10 Robb , who will be making his international debut over the distance , said : ‘ I had a lot more left at the end and can take several seconds off my winning time of 3 minutes 39.58 seconds in Rome if the race is fast . ’
11 ( i ) Title music Combined with a title design , this is usually repeated at the beginning and the end of each programme and helps give it an identity .
12 Although his actions were widely condemned at the time and subsequently , it is a more open question whether his objectives were so much at odds with those of his government .
13 This bookings chart covers one calendar month with dates clearly marked at the top and the room numbers and their descriptions at the side .
14 They are narrow , lance-shaped , up to 20ins ( 60cms ) long and 2ins ( 6cms ) wide rounded at the base and tapering to a point at the tip .
15 In no other respect does the order make changes in arrangements put in place last year which were extensively debated at the time and which , as I said to the House in October , appear to be working well .
16 Viewers should be clearly warned at the beginning and end of all advertising breaks .
17 The six-year-old was also bumped at the start and Davies 's feet knocked from his irons .
18 He admitted that this was the first time he had really looked at the stoma and that he found the appearance and the smell rather offensive .
19 If you do , you will assuredly be severely handled at the trial and it is not unlikely your evidence will be disbelieved .
20 He had been through it before and had already told the Captain he was sure that was the car , though he had n't looked at the driver and front passenger , having been distracted by the map and by watching the traffic coming from all three directions because he wanted to cross over .
21 Catches were well documented at the time and proceeds from sales were distributed to the poor of Doncaster .
22 Mike , an ex-philosophy student , was going off to Germany in the New Year ; Naomi from Bristol was about to embark on a Museum Studies course at university ; Liane , a weights and measures official , was one of the many volunteers who had helped at Uppark after the fire ; and Hugh , a quantity surveyor currently between jobs , set out to astound us over the next few days with his minimalist clothing ( some ancient jeans which were fashionably ripped at the crotch and a pair of lurid , exceedingly short shorts ) .
23 She started to leave , but then turned at the doorway and said :
24 Korea was fully discussed at the conference and agreement was secured , which later ran into the sands .
25 But I 've just briefly looked at the education and training part of the General Secretary report and it says here , National College rammed a hundred and twenty four courses over a thirty week period attracting approximately seventeen hundred G M B representatives , a wide range of residential courses .
26 Then Doyle pushed him and he stepped meekly into the room , noticing the heavy key in the front door and the two large bolts that were firmly shot at the top and bottom .
27 The consultation period for the highly controversial document officially closed at the weekend and the board will be preparing its response to the public comments .
28 In 1978 he left and briefly practised at the Bar and taught at the City of London Polytechnic and the University of East Anglia .
29 ‘ The situation is therefore very clouded at the moment and funeral directors should treat claims of big VAT refunds with caution .
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