Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] at the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Er no I think it wa I think it was our , our mistake er , there was there were sixteen of us there and seven of us had sort of clubbed together looked at the menu and it 's it 's fifteen ninety five , to , the rich main course banquet
2 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
3 First , they cleared away the living grasses that valiantly pushed at the surface and then the dried stuff from the previous year .
4 The child also needs to learn that food is only offered at the table or in the high-chair .
5 Holding the cow 's tail he leaned on the hairy back and , empty-eyed , blew smoke from the pipe which like most farmers at a cleansing he had prudently lit at the outset And of course , since the going was heavy , it just would happen that the job took much longer than usual .
6 Long hair has been gently backcombed at the crown and softly curled for a natural effect .
7 This type of butterfly eye-spot should not be confused with the much larger eyes that occur on some species — eye-spots that are suddenly flashed at the enemy as it draws close .
8 The continuity of martial values is also brilliantly suggested at the end when Coriolanus 's son ritually receives his father 's sword from Volumnia while his mother looks grievingly on .
9 ‘ For instance , as far as nature and wildlife is concerned , there are parks , nature reserves , wildlife centres , aquariums , beaches and waterfalls that are not only aimed at the tourist but at local people too , ’ he added .
10 Mrs Lynch added : ‘ What I can not understand is why the bag was not checked at the mortuary or the police station ? ’
11 Given any example of a classic scientific theory , whether at the time of its first proposal or at a later date , it is possible to find observational claims that were generally accepted at the time and were considered to be inconsistent with the theory .
12 And there was his behaviour since their father 's death : odd little things she had scarcely noticed at the time but now they began to acquire significance in her mind .
13 It was not held , and the decision does not involve , that when a body of trustees receive income of the trust estate not taxed at the source and proceed to distribute it among beneficiaries , they are not assessable to Income Tax and are bound to pay over the income to the beneficiaries without deduction , leaving it to the Revenue to pursue the beneficiaries .
14 Generally , one topic merges into another , and it may not be easily seen at the time that a change of topic has occurred .
15 Significantly , however , this ritual was not allowed to take place within the sacred precincts : the animal was burned whole ‘ outside the camp ’ , its blood was not offered at the altar but burned along with the carcass , and the officiating priest was required to cleanse himself after the sacrifice .
16 Kathleen Kenyon 's notable effort was not wholly successful for two reasons : firstly , it was not appreciated at the time that there was only one major construction phase and not two ; secondly , the knowledge of pottery dating was then inadequate .
17 He had not known at the time that they were officers of the law .
18 He also noted how photographs could contain details the photographer had not observed at the time that the lens was focused and the exposure was made .
19 An exhibition 's already started at the library and tomorrow evening , a Vera Lynn look-alike and a sound-alike will be visiting the library with a fifty piece band .
20 Three patients were excluded from the subsequent analysis as anaemia ( haemoglobin <13 g/100 ml men , <11.5 g/100 ml women ) was not confirmed at the hospital or on reviewing the family practitioners ' investigations .
21 It should also be noted that although candidates may be admitted initially as prospective students for honours , admission to the honours courses is not guaranteed at the outset but depends on performance in classes taken in the first two , or in some cases three , years .
22 ( Mitterrand was widely interpreted at the conference as having warned that francophone African states which did not adopt multiparty democracy would be less favourably considered in France 's future allocation of aid . )
23 In a letter of 1955 Tolkien had rather laughed at the idea that Willow-man and the wights were agents of the Dark Lord : ‘ Can not people imagine things hostile to men and hobbits who prey on them without being in league with the Devil ! ’
24 These in his original draft he had characterised at " Chetniks " , a term often loosely used at the time although its most precise meaning was to refer to the Royalist followers of Gen Mihailovitch .
25 As the stories are presented , the timeless Paradise is always placed at the beginning and the time-bound here-and-now at the end , though in some versions , as in Christianity , there is also a vision of an eschatological future when mankind , redeemed , will once again get back to the Paradisal beginning .
26 It was always going to be a difficult fixture for lowly Millmead Reserves against high-fliers Shottermill Reserves , and the visitors ' hopes were totally dashed at the start when they could only field nine men .
27 and so I 'm a , I 'm a bit sort of like disturbed at the moment but erm yeah the gig on the twenty ninth yeah ?
28 David Stubbs 's metaphor for the Butthole sound pleases me immensely , for he has unwittingly and uncannily arrived at the image that haunts Bataille 's writing .
29 The fact that Y may have been quite innocent and have genuinely believed at the time that the goods were his to sell , gives him no defence either to a claim by Z for breach of contract or to a claim by O for conversion .
30 The shroud is usually knotted at the head and feet , and sufficiently open to expose the breast and knees of the deceased .
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