Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] our [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In one direction lie the behaviour and attitudes , the short term planning and the easy options which have so bedevilled our performance in the past " ( Department of Employment 1989:19 ) .
2 Since then , larger-scale excavations have greatly extended our understanding of the town , focusing attention on the defensive sequence , on an area inside the northern defences in Kingshams Field , and on the suburbs along the Fosse Way and the Dorchester road , most of which are now fully published .
3 Most of the public do n't often think about the Fire Service until they actually need it but I am sure they will welcome fire fighters , not only improved our confidence in the service but theirs as well .
4 I have not forgotten our conversation about the need to get serious global environmental problems across to ‘ ordinary people in Wales ’ at a very personal level .
5 Stop press : We have also just confirmed our involvement in The Greater Manchester Art Materials Exhibition , presented by Turner 's of Stockport at The Piccadilly Hotel , Manchester on May 8–9 .
6 We used the common field maple ( Acer campestre ) to replace a line of dead elms that formerly marked our boundary with the lane .
7 That document clearly stated our concern about the need for vigilance in respect of the physical environment in order to ensure necessary access facilities for buildings , transport , leisure and other facilities .
8 The commitment to quality which is the cornerstone of our electronic materials businesses has also maintained our lead in the market for precious metal thermocouple temperature sensors , infra-red sensing materials and sapphire based materials for military and commercial markets .
9 ‘ We have both learnt our dialectic in the academic arena where knocks that would frighten the London literary coteries are given and taken in good part ; and even where you think me sometimes too pert you will not suspect me of malice .
10 We have now completed our characterisation of the semantics of occam .
11 In our choice of institutions to whom we have sent the tape , we have tried to get as wide a scope of research as possible and have now completed our quota for the pilot .
12 AS WITH all the coverage the Echo has so kindly given our Battle of the Atlantic project , ‘ Battle Stations ’ , I was delighted to read Will Rolston 's piece in Friday 's edition .
13 It has been known since the 1970s that the vehicles which have dramatically increased our mobility in the last 50 years have also constituted a grave danger .
14 We had not watched closely enough ; we had simply paid our money over the bar and hoped — without knowing it — that Madame would always be there to open the doors and close them behind us .
15 During recent years , groups such as Fretwork and Hesperion XX have considerably broadened our knowledge of the richly satisfying repertoire for viol consort .
16 We have actually had our picture of the universe changed for ever .
17 The fact is that cognitive neuropsychologists have significantly increased our understanding of the effects of brain injury on behaviour by conceptualizing mental processes in purely functional terms without regard to their subjective qualities or to physiology .
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