Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By a respondent 's notice dated 28 February 1992 the father contended that in the event of the appeal being allowed in part the order should be varied so that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing the costs incurred by the father in the family proceedings court and that sum to be calculated by a costs draftsman by reference to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 or alternatively , to an order that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing in relating to the proceedings below calculated in the same way but excluding all or part of the costs incurred on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
2 It 's rare to find the BBC TV Gardeners ' World team all gathered in the same garden , but our Chelsea garden 's Gold Medal deserved a special television get-together to celebrate with designers Faith and Geoffrey Whiten , who share their winning ideas with us on page 18 .
3 There were twelve or fifteen finished pictures , all painted in the same manner as the one on the easel , patterns of glowing colour , but the subjects ranged from harbour and river scenes to landscapes with figures .
4 Fifteen years later a treaty ended French frontier controversies with the city-republic of Geneva , while in 1760 another signed in Turin ( which incorporated a series of eight maps ) greatly simplified in the same way France 's south-eastern frontier .
5 In Britain , Owen and Mivart argued that many cases of evolution consisted of parallel lines of development within the same group , all driven in the same direction as though by an internally programmed force .
6 This relates to autonomy in that creativity may flourish in freedom , but the two goals are not necessarily found in the same person ( creativity ) .
7 's sister is an electrician at the factory and they have three brothers all qualified in the same job .
8 It was one of the less pleasant aspects of his present occupation that the Didier School of Cuisine was constantly mentioned in the same breath as Mrs Marshall 's nearby School of Cookery .
9 Until very recently professional sportsmen have been regarded by directors as skilled workmen ; footballers ' incomes were not calculated in the same way as transfer fees according to market value but in relation to what other working-class men could expect to earn .
10 The ‘ offset ’ policy extends the bubble concept so as to allow interfirm trading of emission permits among activities not located in the same plant or not owned by the same firm .
11 There is a danger that the size of the NHS will again produce a range of systems and , subsequently , years of argument as to whether the data deriving from one system can truly be compared with another system because the items included are not common or are not grouped in the same way .
12 On a technical basis it is possible to exclude those Continental examples which are not made in the same tradition as the English ones .
13 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
14 The near and next near contracts were generally mispriced in the same direction , and by a roughly similar amount .
15 ‘ Once I had realized that Tenison , the consulting engineer , was not spelt in the same way as Tennyson , our late-lamented poet Laureate , I had no difficulty . ’
16 Firstly , as we have earlier shown , old people are not valued in the same way as children ; their suffering does not pull at the public heart-strings so strongly .
17 But not s not so No the the stuff is not sold in the same way .
18 They had not slept in the same bed for nearly two years .
19 Furthermore , it appears that the distinction is not drawn in the same way in all areas where it is used .
20 The information contained in such sources is not used in the same way as that in a formally refereed and conventionally published journal article , and citations of such sources may be omitted .
21 Where speed restraint measures are built , the cycle lane can be carried outside them to ensure that bikes are not slowed in the same way as cars ( Figure 6.26 ) .
22 Local services are not distributed in the same manner throughout Britain .
23 Coins are generally found in the same region as their mint , since the function of a mint was usually to supply that region with coinage .
24 The general property will exist just as it did — at least on several views of general properties — if the weight of this bottle of wine changes and the napkin is not flattened in the same way .
25 It may merely indicate that during the early phase of production there were social reasons for indicating one particular identity amongst many , whereas later on such small-scale variation in social identity had been replaced by larger political institutions which were not indicated in the same manner .
26 Care must be taken in interpreting Fig. 3 b because the CTD stations at the eastern end were not worked in the same location ( Fig. 1 ) , and some effect from the different topography might account for the eddy-like structure seen between 15–28°W .
27 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
28 Literariness being defined as the difference between automatism and defamiliarization , it was soon perceived that it was not constructed in the same way in all works , and that the devices manifesting difference in prose narrative were not the same as the devices manifesting difference in lyric poetry .
29 The earlier OFT/ NOP surveys , although the results were not analysed in the same way to allow for differences in whether or not people gave any reaction to each credit form , and though the questions asked were different , gave a broadly similar perspective .
30 She gazed back mutely into his eyes , horrified and deeply aroused in the same instant , and when she did n't turn away he began to move once more , slowly at first , and then with gathering force and swiftness .
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