Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
2 The struggle over the succession between Ahidjo and Biya , in spite of its curious circumstances , had only served to emphasize that the succession problem remained alive and unresolved .
3 " I 'm only authorized to say that the aircraft has been prepared for friday . "
4 The issuance of multiple copies was thus intended to assure that the consignee received at least one .
5 Afterwards , the government was finally moved to insist that the stock exchange appoint a competent new management .
6 The sensitivity of the instrument may be increased by increasing the power of the laser or by decreasing the level of stray light in the monochromator ; double- or even triple-grating monochromators are generally used to ensure that the Raman signals , often as weak as 10 -6 or less of the intensity of the exciting radiation , are not swamped by unshifted radiation by-passing the monochromator .
7 It is usual for parents and children to be separately represented to ensure that the child 's best interests are considered .
8 She had not meant to imply that the Archdeacon was idly curious .
9 This is not meant to imply that the details of the interaction are the same in both proteins .
10 He was thus encouraged to believe that the Cambridge Board entertained some doubt over the strength of its case for unilateral action and was therefore anxious to reach a negotiated agreement with the WEA prior to making any application for additional Chapter III providing powers .
11 The Communists meanwhile continued to deny that the Campaign Committee was moving towards an understanding with the Liberals .
12 Care was thus taken to ensure that the sequence of sentences was now completely random ; even if any particular combination happened to match the original it would have been entirely due to chance .
13 For example , in circumstances where there may be legitimate public concern about the violation of human rights by the new regime , or the manner in which it achieved power , it has not sufficed to say that the announcement of ‘ recognition ’ is simply a neutral formality .
14 The justices held Mrs Bujok was not required to ensure that the council were aware of the defective state of the property prior to laying the information .
15 However , the drafter would be best advised to assume that the courts will adopt a restrictive interpretation , and draft accordingly .
16 He is thus qualified to predict that the other like himself will go and will be disappointed , and is proved a true prophet by the event .
17 And though some reports , particularly from higher officials , absurdly continued to state that the belief in the Führer , despite all setbacks , had not diminished , SD regional and local reports provided a much more devastatingly realistic impression of the Hitler image in the last phase of the war .
18 I am also given to understand that the decision on the fate of the application is going to have to be delayed until May due to the very large number of objections received by Suffolk County Council .
19 Mr Brown and Mr Smith repeatedly intervened to demand that the Chancellor answer the simple question of whether pensioners would be fully compensated , which Mr Lamont repeatedly ducked , saying only that the worst off would receive help .
20 A scavenging agent , ethylene di-bromide or EDB , is also added to ensure that the lead compounds in the exhaust gases remain in vapour form , otherwise metallic lead would be deposited inside the engine .
21 Schools were also expected to recognise that the curriculum could be described and analysed in a variety of ways .
22 Your party , your other , never mind , and when that happens you get poaching and I 've always said , if you treat your membership properly they 'll stay with you , but you 've also got to remember that the union is in dire financial straits , or so it tells us .
23 However , fearing that the UN force would legitimize the loss of its territory to Serbia , Croatia also continued to insist that the force should be deployed only on the 560-km front lines and only for a period of six months .
24 Many Members also continued to think that the rules were too restrictive — about half of those questioned in an IBA survey gave this reaction .
25 Care was also taken to ensure that the video is as up to date as possible , keeping staff fully informed of the Bank of the future .
26 For much of the time she was delirious , but there were lucid intervals , during which she was slightly comforted to understand that the nightmares that had tormented her were products of the disease and not of reality .
27 Derek Jameson notably failed to prove that the writers of the BBC satirical programme " Week Ending " were dishonest in portraying him as stupid and lubricious : his record as editor of down-market newspapers allowed them to describe his editorial policy as being " all the nudes fit to print and all the news printed to fit . "
28 Not only had Yolland been deceived about the BCR 's intentions at Stretford Bridge ; he had also failed to realise that the need to reverse trains at Lydham Heath made tender first running on some part of the line inevitable , whether or not there was a turntable at the lower end of the railway .
29 The press is uniquely designed to ensure that the pressure exerted is swift — to reduce the skin-contact time — and yet gentle enough to avoid the escape of unfavourable tannins and oils residing naturally in the pips and stalks .
30 Funding is now needed to ensure that the experiments of the project are fully implemented .
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