Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [v-ing] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had long since stopped noticing the foul smell inside the little concrete box , or the damp grittiness of the floor against his cheek , and he heard only distantly the rolling crash of thunder .
2 Most radio stations in non-NPN states had already stopped taking the national news from FRCN in Lagos , and so it is probable that they too ignored the event .
3 Lightweight leather boots had been creeping into the market since the 1970s or even earlier , but were not made using the new technology .
4 In Long island , New York , another teenage boy was critically injured trying the same thing .
5 A leafy retreat is an excellent goal for a small town garden , but it is best made acknowledging the urban setting , using un-wild plants such as bamboo , acanthus , fig , vine , alchemilla , euphorbia , wisteria .
6 The Alliance were briefly the controlling party in local government and just missed taking the Parliamentary seat at the 1987 election .
7 The allegory is easily understood using the following key :
8 There seemed nothing at all , no way of climbing back on to the free wheel of conversation they had somehow set going the other night .
9 I pushed by a couple of drunks who had just appeared bearing the same bottle of Hirondelle they 'd been using to get into parties all year and made my way upstairs .
10 The Hereford , Hay and Brecon Railway was completed by Welsh contractor Thomas Savin — who had just finished building the main line through Welshpool — and opened in stages between 1863 and 1864 .
11 Gerry 's ship had been in the Albert Dock and they had just finished papering the front bedroom .
12 He was the only living person whom she had ever heard using the vocative case .
13 The DC can be further updated using the same option , 2.1.2 — Update DC or can be submitted for assessment using option 2.1.3 — Submit DC .
14 The fed state replaces fasting activity during ingestion of a nutrient meal and this motility state was also examined using the MBEST scanning technique .
15 In 1988 the Kenyan government openly considered abolishing the secret ballot in order to dissuade opposition voters from declaring their position .
16 EOG changes themselves are to the same order as EEG changes — up to 150 microvolts , and they are typically recorded using the same time constants and level of amplification as the EEG channel .
17 Following the revolution of 1905 some of them even recommended liquidating the revolutionary organization altogether .
18 Mr Cranley claimed at a well attended meeting the following day , Sunday , which was also attended by public representatives that the workmen were subject to mob rule and intimidation .
19 Someone even remembered seeing the famous photograph of Frankie on Trigger , his circus pony .
20 The same response was then produced withholding the visual display .
21 Optimality was then restored using the dual simplex method with implicit upper bounds .
22 The collection of characters Γ y is a reducible representation , and is then reduced using the following equation .
23 The cylinder ( possibly of paper ) is then removed leaving the rubber spring .
24 Most building materials are porous to some extent , although in a well-designed and properly maintained building the absorbed moisture can evaporate harmlessly to the outside .
25 The Labour Party , led by Karmenu ( Carmelo ) Mifsud Bonnici , was opposed to full membership and instead favoured strengthening the existing association agreement .
26 This loss of entropy can be conveniently illustrated using the simple lattice model shown in figure 8.11 .
27 This , too , was eventually extinguished leaving the entire church in darkness .
28 Anthony Phillips may have quit Genesis twenty-two years ago , but he has never stopped exploring the musical landscape that was once uniquely their own .
29 The stationmaster 's office turned out to be ideally situated overlooking the busy concourse .
30 There was n't the slightest sign that a few hours earlier she had collapsed in paroxysms of tears and seriously considered calling the whole thing off .
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