Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 I could n't blame him ; only a few days before an eminent surgeon had been badly mugged in the entrance to his Harley Street office in the middle of the afternoon .
2 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
3 The Excess Profits Duty was widely regarded as a concession to mounting concern over profiteering ( Maguire 1987 ) , but the decision to levy it on societies posed fundamental questions about the nature of the cooperative enterprise .
4 Many similar examples can be found around the world , but in Britain there is substantial historical evidence which suggests that sharing with relatives outside the nuclear family in adult life has never been widely regarded as an ideal to be aimed for ( see chapter 2 ) .
5 He was successfully recommended by the council to the Surrey electors in March 1553 , and served the county again in Mary I 's third and Elizabeth I 's first Parliaments .
6 The process of economic convergence , which after all is at the heart of plans for economic and monetary union , will be greatly eased by a return to positive economic growth in Europe and in the more immediate future by lower German interest rates .
7 The two smaller ‘ outlier ’ setts would have been completely destroyed by the planned construction work , and so were completely excavated , while the third was only excavated at the end to be affected by the construction .
8 The following pattern is only given as a guide to what to do , so that you can adapt it to suit your own yarn and jumper pattern , if necessary .
9 The training was not very comprehensive and was really only intended as an introduction to the cutters , but we all enjoyed ourselves as I recall , although a few of us with previous experience considered ourselves as veterans .
10 Long regarded as the pendant to ‘ Chien courant ’ at the Norton Simon Foundation , recent studies have suggested Tajan 's picture to be later ( est .
11 The report of the Third Committee that dealt with the topic , Population and the Family , for instance , while noting that " high infant mortality was especially recognized as a deterrent to fertility decline " and , consequently , two recommendations to this effect were adopted by the World Population Plan of Action , also mentioned that " It was widely acknowledged that the ability to determine the number and spacing of children influences family well-being , partly because of the effect upon the health of both mothers and children . "
12 The author seemed somewhat stumped for a reply to such an unusual question and stared into the camera , as if in search of inspiration .
13 If we turn our attention briefly to tobacco , much is made ( and quite rightly ) of the health risks of smoking and we are constantly reminded of the cost to the National Health Service for treating patients with smoking-related diseases .
14 It came to nothing and the two settled for the broadbrush alliance on the PowerPC RISC and the creation of Taligent Inc and Kaleida Inc , but it now seems clear that the idea of the big one still appeals to John Sculley , and according to the Independent on Sunday , Sculley was very much considered as the successor to John Akers , but his terms were that IBM sell the mainframe business and merge with Apple to create a profitable $30,000m a year company , and the courage of the outside directors failed them when they considered what announcement of such a deal might do to the IBM share price .
15 My own survey in Brighton indicates that GHQ scores and reported deterioration in health are highly related to the extent to which unemployed men can maintain the social contact , collective purpose , activity , time-structure and status that Jahoda identified .
16 While the above advantages are undeniable , and would all have a positive bearing on the regulation of insider dealing , self-regulation is better seen as a complement to , rather than as a replacement of , formal regulatory measures .
17 ‘ The lodge was apparently named for the rock to the left of the cove opening , ’ she informed him dispassionately .
18 The newspapers , the radio , the people in the streets , all talked of the drift to war .
19 It is less persuaded of a trend to earlier retirement but has assumed an average fall in the retirement age of two years by 2010 .
20 The defence minister , General Jose Garcia Samayoa , suddenly called for a return to constitutional rule .
21 The quality of the relationships is greatly affected by the approach to them and to the task adopted by the project manager .
22 The non-university institutions have more mature entrants , more without formal qualifications , more from social classes III-V , their effective length of course is shorter , and they will be less affected by a switch to longer science and engineering courses than will the university sector .
23 The reshuffle of airwaves was a political decision , taken in the interests of allowing commercials use of a natural resource long allocated as a monopoly to the BBC .
24 Wessex , long ruled by the dynasty to which both Alfred and Æthelred belonged , submitted to Cnut late in 1015 , as it had to his father two years earlier .
25 With so much happening , and no central authority , Lorne and I were constantly harried by the attempt to film only the crucial events , which appeared to erupt spontaneously at any time of the day or night , while conserving the precious little film stock we had put aside for the intended Bugis film .
26 This view is not based on logic but is greatly influenced by the programming to which we have all been subject from day one of our lives .
27 It is surmised that he fell into the sea near Leith , perhaps overcome by the giddiness to which he was prone , following an attack of sunstroke in India .
28 Quantitive data , such as examination passes , tend to be the easiest to measure , and schools have rightly worried about the use to which these can be put when comparing one school with another .
29 The legal action came after Mr McArdle , a solicitor with offices in Hartlepool , Sunderland and Darlington inadvertently stepped on a train to which his tickets did not allow him admittance last autumn ( the tickets were as usual in BR-speak and difficult fully to comprehend ) .
30 classification the classification to be given to the volume ; this is only retained as a reminder to the user of the overall volume classification .
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